The scale is moving again.........LONG
Thank you to all my friends for your support, idea's, etc.
I hate asking for HELP......I hate feeling like a FAILURE.......You guy's made me realize I need to take measures neccessary to get this tool working again.......
To those new & old, or to those that maybe struggling, here is my story for the past 2 months........
I was slowly creeping back up on the scale, and basically have been stalled the past 2 months at 150-153 lbs. I was grazing, eating things I shouldn't....Felt full at meals times but hungry in between, and yes, some was head hunger.......I was eating 800-1,000 calories. And had quit the exercise........Other than a hike now & then with hubby.....After talking with a few of you I realized I wasn't eating enough calories, GOOD calories......So this week I decided to add calories and exercise and see what happens, Can't hurt right? Well to my SURPRISE, the scale is moving again, YAY....I was 151.8 on Monday and today I'm 148.6.......I can't tell you how this makes me feel.....This goes against all my prior dieting, eat more calories? But it worked.....I'm now getting in 1200-1600 calories.......And I'm walking on my treadmill again.....Did a workout on it yesterday, walked 2.936 miles @ 3.5-4 mph. @ a 6-10% incline and burned 516.6 calories. Whew......Felt good......I have my DRIVE back......So for anyone who's struggling I hope my story gives you some hope that all is not lost..........Keep plugging along.......
My DREAM goal is to be 139 lbs. by 10-3-08, that's 90 lbs. in 9 months.
Thank you especially to Darla, Kelly F, and Nicole.......All 3 of you have been so supportive and have helped me so much......
I'm off to the treadmill........
Love, Kelly
I hate asking for HELP......I hate feeling like a FAILURE.......You guy's made me realize I need to take measures neccessary to get this tool working again.......
To those new & old, or to those that maybe struggling, here is my story for the past 2 months........
I was slowly creeping back up on the scale, and basically have been stalled the past 2 months at 150-153 lbs. I was grazing, eating things I shouldn't....Felt full at meals times but hungry in between, and yes, some was head hunger.......I was eating 800-1,000 calories. And had quit the exercise........Other than a hike now & then with hubby.....After talking with a few of you I realized I wasn't eating enough calories, GOOD calories......So this week I decided to add calories and exercise and see what happens, Can't hurt right? Well to my SURPRISE, the scale is moving again, YAY....I was 151.8 on Monday and today I'm 148.6.......I can't tell you how this makes me feel.....This goes against all my prior dieting, eat more calories? But it worked.....I'm now getting in 1200-1600 calories.......And I'm walking on my treadmill again.....Did a workout on it yesterday, walked 2.936 miles @ 3.5-4 mph. @ a 6-10% incline and burned 516.6 calories. Whew......Felt good......I have my DRIVE back......So for anyone who's struggling I hope my story gives you some hope that all is not lost..........Keep plugging along.......
My DREAM goal is to be 139 lbs. by 10-3-08, that's 90 lbs. in 9 months.

Thank you especially to Darla, Kelly F, and Nicole.......All 3 of you have been so supportive and have helped me so much......
I'm off to the treadmill........

Love, Kelly
Love ya, pickle chick! Glad I can help, whatever it is I did..
With this fall air, I intend to get a LOT more walking in! And when it gets to be winter, I'm gonna pull my gazelle out of the spare room and ROCK THAT BABY!!! Now that I know sweat won't blind me, nor will my heart pop out of my chest after 5 minutes!!
With this fall air, I intend to get a LOT more walking in! And when it gets to be winter, I'm gonna pull my gazelle out of the spare room and ROCK THAT BABY!!! Now that I know sweat won't blind me, nor will my heart pop out of my chest after 5 minutes!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
You silly........You had talked about upping my calorie intake.....Good call.....Cuz Look at me now baby, down 3 pounds......WHOOHOO.......
What would I do without you........Be up another pound.......
You have no idea how happy your idea has made me......A huge mass has been lifted from my shoulders......To see the scale move DOWN, is just a wonderful feeling.......And my mood has been so much better Marty said......I'm not a hungry growling person anymore........
I'm me again......Happy & satisfied.....
Thank you, Thank you........
Love you too Pickle sister......Kelly
You silly........You had talked about upping my calorie intake.....Good call.....Cuz Look at me now baby, down 3 pounds......WHOOHOO.......
What would I do without you........Be up another pound.......
You have no idea how happy your idea has made me......A huge mass has been lifted from my shoulders......To see the scale move DOWN, is just a wonderful feeling.......And my mood has been so much better Marty said......I'm not a hungry growling person anymore........

Thank you, Thank you........
Love you too Pickle sister......Kelly
This is a post that covers two topics. I'm all for multi-tasking!
We should all go to Darla's and run around her neighbor's house. It will give us the exercise we need, the added pleasure of irritating good ole Jo, AND we'd get a good laugh. Laughter is the best medicine ladies.
Pickle Chick - you inspire me as well. The best support ever! Love you guys!!! :)
What can I say that I already haven't.......I love you......You have been such a Wonderful Accountability Partner, sticking with me in the bad times......Thank God I didn't bring you to the Dark side of the Carb Monster.......You hung on, and gave me support.......I can't tell you what that has meant to me.......
You inspire me.....You have totally ROCKED the WLS tool.........I'm sooo proud of you.....
Hug's, Kelly
What can I say that I already haven't.......I love you......You have been such a Wonderful Accountability Partner, sticking with me in the bad times......Thank God I didn't bring you to the Dark side of the Carb Monster.......You hung on, and gave me support.......I can't tell you what that has meant to me.......
You inspire me.....You have totally ROCKED the WLS tool.........I'm sooo proud of you.....
Hug's, Kelly
Kelly, you are so fantastic!!! I love your motivation and have realized I have been right there with you these past couple of months too, just have approached it quite differently. But As I was telling my therepist today about some of the things I have been going thru, she mentioned I must be on a 'slippery slope' and she has given me a couple of assignments...Anyway, I just wnated to say that your post this morning came at a very good time for me. I need to be more accountable about my weightloss and you have been a great 'teacher' if you will....
I love you dear dear friend.....and I am so very proud of you!!! Keep it up, ok!!! You can do it!! 90 pounds in 9 months!!!
And as far as Kelly F's idea about going to Darla's and running on the '*****y neighbors' lawn, hell ya, I'm up for that!!!!!
I love you dear dear friend.....and I am so very proud of you!!! Keep it up, ok!!! You can do it!! 90 pounds in 9 months!!!
And as far as Kelly F's idea about going to Darla's and running on the '*****y neighbors' lawn, hell ya, I'm up for that!!!!!