I am home and ohh so sore!
First thanks to Becky for keeping people posted. Thanks to the rest of you for sending well wishes and speddy recoverys.
Here is my email I post off my normal e mail list that is cut and paste, not up to sitting here and typing yet.
Thanks again!
To all those I have not talked to in a few days again.
I was back in the hospital with intestine issues. It seems that my intestine slid back,kinked,folded and twisted, causing an hernia. I was so sick later Sunday afternoon. Curt drove me to the ER, we sat in the lobby for 4 hours. Holiday weekend is always busy for Hospitals. I was so sick to my stomach and vomiting up bile it was awful! All I wanted to do was lay on the floor and curl into a ball. I dout that that would of helped either.
Once in the ER room they started running blood work etc.. They had me drink this awful stuff called hell i don't remember it makes ya glow inside. It was the worst!. It was diet lemon-aide and yuck yuck yuck! This was all so they could do a CT scan to see what was going on.
The scan came back with the news I mentioned above. I was admitted to the Meritcare hotel LOL
Being the holiday weekend none of the doctors would listen to me to call MY surgeon directly, oh its a weekend and he isn't on call yadda yadda. I finally gave up on my suggestions.
Come Tuesday morning in walks My Surgeon and takes one look at me and says I think we need to do surgery. He had 6 others ahead of me for the day but I would get in. I was taken in at 4 pm and back to my room by 7 pm, not to bad.
I just left the hospital Thursday eve and had my first sleep at home. It was not a pleasant sleep, everything hurts. The old scars/scabs were not gone and now add 4 more to the stomach, makes for an uneasy sleep.
Now I have to keep hydrated and get some protein in that I have been lacking a few days of.
I will check in with people as I am able and feel ok, lets top this off with I think I am getting a cold and it hurts to cough!!!
P.S my Surgeon says to demand they call him directly, easier said then done, I think that is something he needs to work out with them LOL IMO

As far as demanding to have them call your surgeon..I wonder what one is supposed to do? My next appointment, I am going to ask -if in a situation like yours, what should I do or say.
Take care,

You sure have gone thru hell...I am glad that is all behind you now.
Why they didn't get your surgeon in there sooner is beyond me. My surgeon would have been so mad. He even comes in from vacation if his clients need him. He will stay with them and not leave until everything is okay. Hope your surgeon gives them hell!!! You shouldn't have had to wait that long.
Hugs, connie d
Thanks for the quick healing powers