OT - I AM PISSED!!! (foul language warning & rather long)
Now... being not nice and not christian like :)
Go out at night... get some bleach and pour it to right ***** in her grass............ or take the bleach to her fave tree's. or flowers etc and give um a big drink.
Ooooooooooooo thats so mean... < evil laugh >
Im sorry...bad neighbors can really make your day to day life awful.
Hugs honey!
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Revenge is just a momentary pleasure that could have longer-lasting repercussions. (Like legal ones if things get out of hand.)
I'm glad that you vented--now take a DEEEP breath and let it out SLOOOWLY. Do this several times until you get light-headed--and enjoy that little tiny buzz.

Nope--that dame ain't worth the angst she's causing you. And ***** that she appears to be, she does have the right to ban your kids from 'trespassing'. And I totally agree with the others--her going ballistic is probably a symptom of something bigger and out of control in her life. This is YOUR chance to show her that you're the BETTER person. (I was gonna say BIGGER person, but with your height...) Forgive and forgive--you probably won't forget.)
Here's a chance for your kids to get some exercise and fresh air in the morning. That's the only positive thing I can think of from this episode, but more might come.
Have a wonderful weekend!

And I'm off to my wonderful minimum wage job! (But my supervisors are good. And did I tell you I can get a 10% EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT here?? OOOOH baby!!) Yup-- I know I did--just TRYING to be funny.)
(((HUGS)) and

The only "retaliation" I can see happening will come when the kids get asked WHY they're walking all the way around to the bus stop. (and I have NO DOUBT they will be asked, in OUR everyone-knows-everything-about-everyone kind of neighborhood!) They'll tell the truth, and the word will get out HONESTLY and INNOCENTLY about the kind of person Jo is.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I love the poop idea too, but that might be illegal and I'm always too chicken about getting into trouble.
WTF is right...... You should have a block party all night long with all your neighbors (except her you know she wouldn't come anyway) and live it up be as loud as you can for as long as you can..... Have the children run and play, play loud music, and just have a good ole time..... The kids could have races right next to the property line, then you can all scream and carry on when they win...... Man ole ladies really make me mad....... How rude after all this time now it's an issue. Is there like a border line that the kids can walk on to get across, like another house next to hers that they can walk on there lawn but right next to her side?????????????????? No fricken wonder her hubby left her......... I will come with all my daycare kids and let them loose then we will see what she says...... they will all whoop her azzzzzzzz......... I hope she knows how ugly she is and how rude she is........ I don't know where the heck i was going with all this but anyway have a great day....... Let me know when the block party is I will be there...........
Good Lord - something just occured to me! Now that I've shared this here, and so many of you fine folks have shared your "ideas" with me, do I DARE have a bonfire come October???

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Now, the very mean part of me would do countless things just to tick her off. Yet not so obvious that it was coming from me. There is a website out there that is "Worlds Worst Neighbor" or something like that. You can post a comment about people who live in your neighborhood. So when potential buyers read what the neighborhoods are really like, then perhaps that will deter a sale of a home. Heck, I'd be sure that my kids would go to almost the end of the street - but still on her lawn - and walk across there. Aren't the lower parts of your lawn owned by the city anyway?
The best - which I'm very tempted to do to my own neighbor, is to get total vegetation killer (in a spray bottle) and spell out a nasty word in the lawn. Then, as the grass dies, the word becomes very obvious. And they can't get rid of it unless they kill all of their grass. Or, you can always use food coloring to spell out a message in the snow.
hahahahaha..... What a BIOTCH!