OT - I AM PISSED!!! (foul language warning & rather long)
Some people can't seem to get the distinction between their legal rights and what it means to be neighborly. I suppose the right thing is to take the high road and respect her rights, but I sure would be tempted to fertilize your lilacs with some really fresh manure or to let your drawers drop "accidently" (because they are so loose after surgery) to your ankles next time you are both working in your back yards.
I suspect that, like Elena said, there is something seriously amiss in her life. Despite your justifiable anger at her right now, you have demonstrated the capacity here on OH to reach out to others in a helpful, caring way. Before you write her off entirely, could you reach out to her, too? .....OK, maybe not this week. Anyhow, take care.
Some people can't seem to get the distinction between their legal rights and what it means to be neighborly. I suppose the right thing is to take the high road and respect her rights, but I sure would be tempted to fertilize your lilacs with some really fresh manure or to let your drawers drop "accidently" (because they are so loose after surgery) to your ankles next time you are both working in your back yards.
I suspect that, like Elena said, there is something seriously amiss in her life. Despite your justifiable anger at her right now, you have demonstrated the capacity here on OH to reach out to others in a helpful, caring way. Before you write her off entirely, could you reach out to her, too? .....OK, maybe not this week. Anyhow, take care.
(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 2:21 pm, edited 9/4/08 2:21 pm - Newport Beach, CA
on 9/4/08 2:21 pm, edited 9/4/08 2:21 pm - Newport Beach, CA
Hi Darla. Yeah, I tend to agree with what RickPete said....it's hard though. It sounds like this lady has no concept of being a neghbor and probably leads a rather sad and miserable life. I've found that when people worry a lot about things that don't really matter (like kids walking across their lawn), it typically means they feel out of control in other areas of their life, such that they have to clamp down and try to control everything. So I am pretty sure it's her and not you....
Hope you feel less angry soon...when people act so poorly, it's hard to forgive them. :(
Hope you feel less angry soon...when people act so poorly, it's hard to forgive them. :(
Rick, we will absolutely respect her. The kids came to the conclusion themselves that they'll have to leave for school a few minutes earlier from now on (They already have to be at the bus stop by 6:45 in the blessed A.M.!!!).
And you are right, she SHOULD be taught the art of being "neighborly". But I'm not going to STOOP to any kind of retaliation, no matter how sophomoric it might be. (I'd moon her, but why give her the pleasure of seeing MY FABULOUS ASS???
My confrontation with her was unlike anything I can remember, EVER, in my life. I was BEYOND trembling as I tried to maintain ANY semblence of control over myself...
And I know, the good Lutheran girl in me DID consider going over to apologize for my explosion, and even that she probably NEEDS a friend. But you know what? I'm human, and God forgives. He'll forgive her, too. She's given me NO reason to show any compassion. I suppose I could be bigger than that, but - screw it.
And you are right, she SHOULD be taught the art of being "neighborly". But I'm not going to STOOP to any kind of retaliation, no matter how sophomoric it might be. (I'd moon her, but why give her the pleasure of seeing MY FABULOUS ASS???

My confrontation with her was unlike anything I can remember, EVER, in my life. I was BEYOND trembling as I tried to maintain ANY semblence of control over myself...
And I know, the good Lutheran girl in me DID consider going over to apologize for my explosion, and even that she probably NEEDS a friend. But you know what? I'm human, and God forgives. He'll forgive her, too. She's given me NO reason to show any compassion. I suppose I could be bigger than that, but - screw it.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
First, you must have terrific kids....no doubt they learned how to be so from you. Se****** I bet you do have a fabulous ass...just sayin'. Third, You have every right to a "steaming" period, be it 2 hours, 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, or 2 decades (yes, I was raised Lutheran, too and I know all about discontent that goes unresolved ad nauseum). Take your time to sort out your feelings and future actions regarding this woman. Someone like that can't hold a candle to you in any event, so give your kids an extra hug an thank your lucky stars they aren't vindictive like I was as a child (when I was 5, I organized a pooping party of about a half dozen kids when this grumpy old guy decided that we shouldn't cut through his yard any more).
Take care,
First, you must have terrific kids....no doubt they learned how to be so from you. Se****** I bet you do have a fabulous ass...just sayin'. Third, You have every right to a "steaming" period, be it 2 hours, 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, or 2 decades (yes, I was raised Lutheran, too and I know all about discontent that goes unresolved ad nauseum). Take your time to sort out your feelings and future actions regarding this woman. Someone like that can't hold a candle to you in any event, so give your kids an extra hug an thank your lucky stars they aren't vindictive like I was as a child (when I was 5, I organized a pooping party of about a half dozen kids when this grumpy old guy decided that we shouldn't cut through his yard any more).
Take care,
I have an idea.......I haven't pooped scooped for a month.....I have a Lab cross & a Rott, both big dogs with big poop......I bet there is a 5 gallon pail ready to be scooped up.....
Let see........
Maybe she could wake up some morning and find a bunch of poop sprawled onto her front yard?????
I like C'man's responce.......Nearly pee'd my pants, I was laughing so hard.........
That would be worth a video on you tube..........
Just let me know if ya need any poop.......
I have an idea.......I haven't pooped scooped for a month.....I have a Lab cross & a Rott, both big dogs with big poop......I bet there is a 5 gallon pail ready to be scooped up.....
Let see........

I like C'man's responce.......Nearly pee'd my pants, I was laughing so hard.........

Just let me know if ya need any poop.......

Hazel's a good crap factory herself, we've got a 5 gal in back, too! You have NO IDEA the things that went through my mind to "get back at" her. (Then again, great minds...?) But I'm above that.
We'll respect her "turf". The day will probably come when she puts her house on the market (I can only HOPE!). And when she does, I'll go do my happy dance in her driveway!!!

We'll respect her "turf". The day will probably come when she puts her house on the market (I can only HOPE!). And when she does, I'll go do my happy dance in her driveway!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Darla....my computer was steaming...you were so MAD!!!
I think the woman is a kook and needs treatment in some asylum somewhere!!
Of all things to get mad about..... two children walking thru her yard is nothing for her to get so pissed about.
Yup...I agree she needs to get laid!!
I think Kelly and Paul are on to something here.......wait a little while before you take Paul's advice.
Hugs, connie d
I think the woman is a kook and needs treatment in some asylum somewhere!!
Of all things to get mad about..... two children walking thru her yard is nothing for her to get so pissed about.
Yup...I agree she needs to get laid!!
I think Kelly and Paul are on to something here.......wait a little while before you take Paul's advice.
Hugs, connie d
Good Morning Dearest Darla ~
I am so sorry that you had to endure that... Some folks purpose in life is seriously disfuctional. You obviously have tried to be kind and respectful to her.. What ever happen to Love Thy Neighbor..? Ignorance and Arrogance have never been friends of mine.
Big ole hugs and good thoughts and prayers to you..