OT - I AM PISSED!!! (foul language warning & rather long)
We've lived in Hanover for 9 and a half years now. Haven't got the greatest neighbors on 2 of our 4 sides, but the rest of the neighborhood is awesome!! I often compare Hanover to Mayberry...
Well, behind us, there has been a childless couple, somewhat older than us, and they live at the top of the cul-de-sac where my kids pick up their school bus. They divorced not that long ago, so it's just the woman now - Jo.
Until today, Jo has spoken to me exactly twice since we lived here. About 3 months after we moved in, while I was home following a bowel obstruction surgery, she came over to our front door. I figured it was to say "Hi" and introduce herself. NOPE! She chose to come over and ***** about EVERY FRICKIN' DOG that has ever dared set foot - god forbid CRAP - on a blade of her grass! Seriously? No hello, welcome to Hanover? Just "make sure you keep your dog out of my yard - I'm sick and tired of all the damage, and having to pick up someone else's POOP!" I told her I understood not wanting to pick up other dogs' poop, but I pointed out to her, CALMLY, that OUR dog was kept on a cable that didn't even reach her yard! NOT a good first meeting. (SERIOUSLY? you don't like dogs, but you move into a neighborhood that has ****LOADS of 'em??!!
Did you NOT notice the kennels alongside every other garage when you drove around???)
Okay, so we haven't become friends. She doesn't even acknowledge me when we're both out in our backyards, even back when I cared enough to try to say hello. About 3 years ago, she had a mole problem in her yard, and came over to ask if her exterminator could place one of his traps in our line of lilacs. Sure, no problem, whatever. That was conversation #2.
So TODAY, I get home from work, only to find that this morning, as my kids were heading across about a 10 yard stretch of her precious backyard, she STOPPED them and told them they are no longer ALLOWED to cut across her lawn, that they needed to go around the neighborhood on the road and not use her "property" as a short cut!!
After all this time, all of a sudden she doesn't want the kids to cross her property??? I went over there before the garage door had even shut behind me, and I asked her "Would you mind telling me what this morning was about?" She says "I don't know what you mean." I said "Telling my kids they can't cross your backyard on their way to the bus stop, THAT'S what I mean."
**** I'm going to raise my blood pressure by typing out the whole conversation, but I asked her WHY, after more than 9 years, is it all of a sudden a problem?? All she could come up with was "It's my property" - I told her - I'm not QUESTIONING the fact that it's your property. I'm questioning WHY, after all these years, are you banning my kids from walking across a small stretch of your backyard??" She said was "raised to respect my neighbors' property". I asked her "Have my kids EVER done anything to show you ANY measure of disrespect? Have they ever said or done anything rude? Have they ever thrown anything at you or your car or your house???" "Well, of course not, but it's my right, it's my property, and I told Connor I don't want them to walk across my grass." CONNOR???? She thinks, after 9+ years of our hollering "TRAVIS" out the back door, my son's name is CONNOR???
SERIOUSLY???? We went back and forth SEVERAL times, but she NEVER gave a reasonable answer! That's when I just laid into that ***** She said "it's my right to tell them I don't want them on my lawn" and I said "and it's MY right to tell you that YOU are ******G PATHETIC! What kind of ***** decides, for NO APPARENT REASON, that kids can't walk across a corner of yard to get to their school bus? I'm sorry, I just do NOT understand that! It's not like they're wearing your lawn down to a dirt trail or anything" She said she's never set foot on MY grass, to which I blew up -"Bull****! What about your lovely visit to me complaining about every dog that's ever crapped in your yard? What about your frickin' mole traps? Don't give me any more **** Jo... You're ******G PATHETIC!!"
I can NOT remember the last time anything made me SO FRICKIN' ANGRY!!!! I had to leave before I got even MORE vulgar!!! **** I hope that wench rots... So now, my kids have to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND the neighborhood to get to the bus stop that I can see from my kitchen window!!! WHAT A PATHETIC *****!!!!!

Well, behind us, there has been a childless couple, somewhat older than us, and they live at the top of the cul-de-sac where my kids pick up their school bus. They divorced not that long ago, so it's just the woman now - Jo.
Until today, Jo has spoken to me exactly twice since we lived here. About 3 months after we moved in, while I was home following a bowel obstruction surgery, she came over to our front door. I figured it was to say "Hi" and introduce herself. NOPE! She chose to come over and ***** about EVERY FRICKIN' DOG that has ever dared set foot - god forbid CRAP - on a blade of her grass! Seriously? No hello, welcome to Hanover? Just "make sure you keep your dog out of my yard - I'm sick and tired of all the damage, and having to pick up someone else's POOP!" I told her I understood not wanting to pick up other dogs' poop, but I pointed out to her, CALMLY, that OUR dog was kept on a cable that didn't even reach her yard! NOT a good first meeting. (SERIOUSLY? you don't like dogs, but you move into a neighborhood that has ****LOADS of 'em??!!

Okay, so we haven't become friends. She doesn't even acknowledge me when we're both out in our backyards, even back when I cared enough to try to say hello. About 3 years ago, she had a mole problem in her yard, and came over to ask if her exterminator could place one of his traps in our line of lilacs. Sure, no problem, whatever. That was conversation #2.
So TODAY, I get home from work, only to find that this morning, as my kids were heading across about a 10 yard stretch of her precious backyard, she STOPPED them and told them they are no longer ALLOWED to cut across her lawn, that they needed to go around the neighborhood on the road and not use her "property" as a short cut!!

After all this time, all of a sudden she doesn't want the kids to cross her property??? I went over there before the garage door had even shut behind me, and I asked her "Would you mind telling me what this morning was about?" She says "I don't know what you mean." I said "Telling my kids they can't cross your backyard on their way to the bus stop, THAT'S what I mean."
**** I'm going to raise my blood pressure by typing out the whole conversation, but I asked her WHY, after more than 9 years, is it all of a sudden a problem?? All she could come up with was "It's my property" - I told her - I'm not QUESTIONING the fact that it's your property. I'm questioning WHY, after all these years, are you banning my kids from walking across a small stretch of your backyard??" She said was "raised to respect my neighbors' property". I asked her "Have my kids EVER done anything to show you ANY measure of disrespect? Have they ever said or done anything rude? Have they ever thrown anything at you or your car or your house???" "Well, of course not, but it's my right, it's my property, and I told Connor I don't want them to walk across my grass." CONNOR???? She thinks, after 9+ years of our hollering "TRAVIS" out the back door, my son's name is CONNOR???

I can NOT remember the last time anything made me SO FRICKIN' ANGRY!!!! I had to leave before I got even MORE vulgar!!! **** I hope that wench rots... So now, my kids have to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND the neighborhood to get to the bus stop that I can see from my kitchen window!!! WHAT A PATHETIC *****!!!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Darla, what you do is fill a paper bag with dog poop. Put it on her front porch. Light it on fire, then run to the back yard. She will open the front door, see the fire, try to stamp it out. While she is stamping it out, ring or pound on the back door. She will say "WTF?" and track through her house and get dog poop all over the rug.
Now that's funny. We often talked about doing that as kids, but never had the nerve. I'm thinkin you have the nerve.
Now that's funny. We often talked about doing that as kids, but never had the nerve. I'm thinkin you have the nerve.

Sounds like SOMEONE needs an ass-whoopin! Dear God... that woman must have something up her butt. Things like that usually signify that there is something wrong in her life so she is trying to control everyone around her.
By the way, I felt the rage through my computer... I think I just grew horns.
By the way, I felt the rage through my computer... I think I just grew horns.

You wanna know something? I almost feel SORRY for her for being that way. She's alone, in a good sized house, in a neighborhood FULL of great people! But she has no friends. We've honestly never even seen another car in her driveway, so no visitors, no family, nothing. WE could be very helpful to her! My kids would have been HAPPY to help her with just about anything, they are GOOD KIDS!!!
But if she EVER finds the gonads to come ask us for anything after this, she'd better have her tail FIRMLY between her sorry legs, with a FULL, GROVELING APOLOGY first!!
But if she EVER finds the gonads to come ask us for anything after this, she'd better have her tail FIRMLY between her sorry legs, with a FULL, GROVELING APOLOGY first!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful