People constantly asking questions
I know I could have worse things to complain about, but it is kind of driving me crazy.
I am 2 weeks and a few days post op. I lost 24 before surgery , and about 14 post op. So I have gone down enough to be noticeable. The problem is.. everyone is asking questions. Coworkers know I had WLS, I was fine with people knowing, I figured they would eventually see me losing weight and be asking anyway. But it seems word spread like wildfire, and now I spend my day answering quesitons. how much have you lost? what can you eat? what are you eating? etc. I know they are just being curious, but when the 20th person asks you in a day, it get's kind of old. I don't want to be rude. But I guess I am just kind of frustrated. Plus, I am sure it's just going to get worse. I don't remember feeling this way the times that I lost weight by my fad diets. I would just smile and answer the question.
I kind of feel like a zoo animal--they are all watching me.
Sometimes I just want to hide under my chair.
I am 2 weeks and a few days post op. I lost 24 before surgery , and about 14 post op. So I have gone down enough to be noticeable. The problem is.. everyone is asking questions. Coworkers know I had WLS, I was fine with people knowing, I figured they would eventually see me losing weight and be asking anyway. But it seems word spread like wildfire, and now I spend my day answering quesitons. how much have you lost? what can you eat? what are you eating? etc. I know they are just being curious, but when the 20th person asks you in a day, it get's kind of old. I don't want to be rude. But I guess I am just kind of frustrated. Plus, I am sure it's just going to get worse. I don't remember feeling this way the times that I lost weight by my fad diets. I would just smile and answer the question.
I kind of feel like a zoo animal--they are all watching me.

I wasn't really comfortable telling everyone up front - and working for a government agency, I haven't had to deal with very many questions... discussing something like that is considered politically incorrect, so it's an unspoken taboo in our office! But the people I'm closest to have been cool - whether they knew ahead of time or just had to comment on my loss after the fact.
But I know what you mean, because neighbors and even some relatives I don't see very often ask blunt questions. My BEST comeback was to an obnoxious cousin, who HOLLERED at me across a room full of her HUBBY's family at HIS retirement party "Good Lord, Darla - how many pounds have you lost???" I wasn't about to discuss it over a room full of people I didn't know, so I just looked at her and said "I really prefer not to discuss numbers". It's true - once you tell someone how much you've lost, they look you over to try to figure out how much you must weigh now, and add the two together to figure out how much you must have weighed at your worst! You can practically hear the calculators in their heads, tapping the numbers...
Best response is sometimes just a smile, maybe "Thanks for noticing
" Or if you're feeling saucy, just say "why do you want to know?"
But I know what you mean, because neighbors and even some relatives I don't see very often ask blunt questions. My BEST comeback was to an obnoxious cousin, who HOLLERED at me across a room full of her HUBBY's family at HIS retirement party "Good Lord, Darla - how many pounds have you lost???" I wasn't about to discuss it over a room full of people I didn't know, so I just looked at her and said "I really prefer not to discuss numbers". It's true - once you tell someone how much you've lost, they look you over to try to figure out how much you must weigh now, and add the two together to figure out how much you must have weighed at your worst! You can practically hear the calculators in their heads, tapping the numbers...
Best response is sometimes just a smile, maybe "Thanks for noticing

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I think it will die down.... there are only so many people at work and they can only ask so many times.
Besides that... you can always respond with "Gosh you're like the 20th person who has asked me that. I feel like a celebrity." And they may quickly get the hint...
Besides that... you can always respond with "Gosh you're like the 20th person who has asked me that. I feel like a celebrity." And they may quickly get the hint...
Like Elena said, it will probably die down once they all kind of have an idea. Me, I talk too much, so when they ask I tell them *more* than they want to know - now they've really stopped asking.
Honestly, I think that is has died down as people understand and they get a feeling for the types of things that you're interested in talking about and those that you are not. I'm almost 3 months post-op and the only comments that I still get are compliments when I wear something that's not too big and some minor expressions of concern if it seems like a meal isn't settling well (although they don't even usually comment on that because they know I don't like talking about the fact that I might get sick and that I'd rather just let the food work through my pouch without having a conversation about it).
It will get better or you'll have to set some boundaries about it. I, like Darla, have learned NOT to talk about numbers. I've lost 66 pounds at last count (haven't been weighing myself) and people WILL start to figure out how much I have to lose and that's not information that I want everyone to have. Plus, I've learned for myself that the number of pounds lost is not at all important.

It will get better or you'll have to set some boundaries about it. I, like Darla, have learned NOT to talk about numbers. I've lost 66 pounds at last count (haven't been weighing myself) and people WILL start to figure out how much I have to lose and that's not information that I want everyone to have. Plus, I've learned for myself that the number of pounds lost is not at all important.
Be thankful they care enough to ask questions - or feel comfortable enough with you to ask questions - - beats having rumors flying that you are sick or something.
I know it gets old - but think of it - you are doing something to make yourself healthier - and that is something that many people aren't brave enough to do - enjoy the positive attention!
Best wishes!
Just remember you are being an example whether you want to be or not, and just maybe someone is watching you because they want to have WLS. And I guess be happy they're asking because if they weren't asking, how would you feel? I've seen those posts before on here, too.
Take it in and ride the wave!
Take it in and ride the wave!