wow moment.... and new pictures
Hello one and all. No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.... just extremely busy. But I had to share a couple of things that have happened. First... If you look at my pictures that I posted, you will see I have met someone new. A very nice man who lives just a few miles from me. Anyway, he is really thin, and I needed to take a shower at his place the other day.... he grabbed his robe for me... I am way.... OH MY GOD....IT FIT!!! I am still in aw...... also, if you look at my pictures, you will see a leather skirt!!!! and I got looks!!! Also you will see me with Lori from Duluth, her, Dan and I went to the Ren fest... these are pictures afterwords. I don't think we look half bad!!!! And the last thing.... OH has contacted me, they are going to have a writer get in touch with me, they are doing my story......
Hope everyone has a great day.
Hope everyone has a great day.