Hey all,
I haven't had heartburn ONCE since surgery and woke up with it this morning.
It does, however, come on the heels of a particularly bad pouch night. I had my first experience of (I think it was) getting something stuck, in public no less, during a 6 hour work shift.
three different times, and the last time was particularly bad for being really concentrated stomach acid. (Sorry for being too graphic!)
So I'm wondering... is this something I should be worrying about, or probably just my throat being raw from getting sick? Any thoughts?
I haven't had heartburn ONCE since surgery and woke up with it this morning.

It does, however, come on the heels of a particularly bad pouch night. I had my first experience of (I think it was) getting something stuck, in public no less, during a 6 hour work shift.

So I'm wondering... is this something I should be worrying about, or probably just my throat being raw from getting sick? Any thoughts?
My thoughts are as you said it... Raw from getting sick.. I hate heartburn, though I havent experienced it in a month or so but ZANTAC worked wonders.. If your discomfort doesnt go away after today, a call to your doc probably wouldnt hurt. Get lots of water in and maybe some warm tea for the soreness.
Healing hugs to you...
Healing hugs to you...
That is probably nothing to worry about but be on the cautious side and call you doctor anyway. They like to know about these things.
We all have to experience a too big of bite and not chewing enough and the aftermath of that. This is how we learn. Food getting stuck hurts!!
Sorry it happened to you especially in a work setting.
Hugs, connie d
That is probably nothing to worry about but be on the cautious side and call you doctor anyway. They like to know about these things.
We all have to experience a too big of bite and not chewing enough and the aftermath of that. This is how we learn. Food getting stuck hurts!!
Sorry it happened to you especially in a work setting.
Hugs, connie d