Calling all MOMS!!!!

My Trav has had a few issues with being teased/bullied, and I know he was pretty nervous last night, afraid it's going to start all over again. Because even with ME for a mom, the little scheister JUST crossed over the 100 lb mark! At 12 years old in 7th grade, he's a little pipsqueak! So I pray he'll have a growth spurt (even if it puts me in the poor house!), and that the pathetic things he's been teased for in the past end. There is NOTHING more heartbreaking than having your child come home in tears, not wanting to ever go back and face that **** another day...
(So, in fact, if any of you are so inclined, a lil' prayer on his behalf - AND MINE - would be great!)
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Wow, so I guess that means my stepson-to-be is probably the little pipsqueak in his school. He's around 80lbs give or take. He weighed himself a couple of times at our place over the weekend and we were chatting about it yesterday. He's also 12 and just starting the 7th grade today as well. I know Jordan wasn't looking forward to school. I hope this year is better for Travis, he's such a good kid.
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
