OT: Math...not so bad!
Maybe I'll see you around campus

I finally decided to nip it in the bud and get those last gen eds out of the way, so I'm finally attacking my math requirements, too. Didn't do well enough on testing to be able to just do my one college math, so I'm in Exploring Functions. I was very fearful of how this class was going to go. I struggle with math. But, like you, I was pleasantly surpirsed, and I even enjoyed the first class! I've got Eleonore Balbach, on Wed nights at Midway campus, and I think she is awesome. One of her first questions was, "Who here hates math?" And after about 3/4 of the class raised their hands, she went on to say that even though she loves math, she understands where we are coming from, and why we hate it. That somewhere down the road a bad instructor likely got hold of us and soured our perspective by not teaching us. Which is soo true in my case! She started us out with review and walked us through things step by step, and yeah, I was surprised at how much I did remember from the past. I'm actually kind of looking forward to this class. I'm not scared of it anymore.
Anywho! Best of luck to you!