Happy Flip'n Friday ~~
TGIF my friends!!! What makes it better is its a LONG weekend...!! WoooooHooooo!! 

It sure has felt like the longest week ever this week...crazy... Been trying to work through my 'monthy' issues and had felt like I could crawl in a hole... BUT HEY.... TODAY is a NEW DAY..
So whats on store for your weekend? Tonight I hope to veg and watch Monk and Pysch.. If I can stay awake... Tomorrow Randy and I are suppose to go to the fair at the crack of dawn on the motorcycle.. Should be fun, however I have some concerns to work thru.. LOL.. Sunday going to get me some praise and worship then who knows what... Same for Monday... Who knows...LOL Its kinda nice NOT to have a plan sometimes...
Wishing you all a wonderfully blessed weekend!!

I LOVE the new danc'n guy...!!

It sure has felt like the longest week ever this week...crazy... Been trying to work through my 'monthy' issues and had felt like I could crawl in a hole... BUT HEY.... TODAY is a NEW DAY..

So whats on store for your weekend? Tonight I hope to veg and watch Monk and Pysch.. If I can stay awake... Tomorrow Randy and I are suppose to go to the fair at the crack of dawn on the motorcycle.. Should be fun, however I have some concerns to work thru.. LOL.. Sunday going to get me some praise and worship then who knows what... Same for Monday... Who knows...LOL Its kinda nice NOT to have a plan sometimes...
Wishing you all a wonderfully blessed weekend!!

Good morning my friend! 

I love 'em too! Especially glad to be able to post them for FRIDAY! WOO HOO!! I'm so glad it is going to be a long weekend! I plan on finishing the painting in Allison's room. All I like is the trim around the windows. I just hate being on that ladder. LOL Sunday, I'm going to get my P&W on too!! Gotta go praise the Lord! I love CHURCH!
Hope to grill out on Monday. Love ya my friend and you have a great Friday!

Hope to grill out on Monday. Love ya my friend and you have a great Friday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

WooHoo it's Friday!
On top of that it's my birthday......it's going to be a good day....I have decided that and nothing will change it. We are probably going out for dinner tonight and instead of sitting to watch a movie we're going to canal park to rent one of those fun bikes to go for a ride. I'm hoping to have a bit of time to just relax with my family this evening. Tomorrow is a big day for us. We're moving my oldest into her first apt. We actually moved in a few small things yesterday. I'm excited but ya know as any mom would be a bit worried about her too. After the moving hopefully we'll do not much of anything. Sunday is going to be a great day of praise and worship here as well. After church we're heading out for a picnic with some others from church. Monday I'm hoping is just a wonderful day of resting. Then it'll be time to start it all over again!!!! Today is also my baby girl's last day of daycare......a very bittersweet day. She's been there pretty much every day since she was 10 weeks old....she's now 22 months. We just can't see paying for daycare any more since we have the flexibility to work shifts to allow someone to be here watching her all the time. She was just going 1/2 days anyway and the majority of her time there was nap time. This girl loves her sleep!!! She sleeps from 9pm to 9:30 or 10 am....then will take a 3 hr nap in the afternoon. Man I wish I could do that!
Well, I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

Well, I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!
Morning Dana!
Tonight I am planning on cleaning up around the house. I am hoping I can find enough energy to clean the carpets. Then hopefully get in some reading and a walk. Tomorrow hubby and I are off to the fair. Then Blake Shelton concert at night. Sunday veging friends want to go to dinner either Sunday or Monday. Monday I am working.
Tonight I am planning on cleaning up around the house. I am hoping I can find enough energy to clean the carpets. Then hopefully get in some reading and a walk. Tomorrow hubby and I are off to the fair. Then Blake Shelton concert at night. Sunday veging friends want to go to dinner either Sunday or Monday. Monday I am working.
Sounds like we ought to have an OH get together at the Fair!?! Maybe by the porkchop-on-a-stick stand??? 'cuz Rich and I decided we're taking the kidlets there, even tho we told them VF OR the State Fair, not both. Well, Rich wants to do the State Fair, and with all the fun I've been having at VF this summer, I figured he deserves it... We aren't telling the kids we're going there until after we hit the road. Have to come up with some bogus plans to get them up & out of the house early on a Saturday...
(So if you're gonna be there, I'll have my cell with me!
Sunday we'll get our P&W in on a beautiful lake - we're going boating and tubing (mental note to self... pick up some buns and a jar of pickles tonight...), then Monday we'll just stay home, I'll probably do a lot of cleaning, the chilluns will get all their poop in a group for school the next day, and we'll probably bring my mom over to grill something.

Sounds like we ought to have an OH get together at the Fair!?! Maybe by the porkchop-on-a-stick stand??? 'cuz Rich and I decided we're taking the kidlets there, even tho we told them VF OR the State Fair, not both. Well, Rich wants to do the State Fair, and with all the fun I've been having at VF this summer, I figured he deserves it... We aren't telling the kids we're going there until after we hit the road. Have to come up with some bogus plans to get them up & out of the house early on a Saturday...
(So if you're gonna be there, I'll have my cell with me!

Sunday we'll get our P&W in on a beautiful lake - we're going boating and tubing (mental note to self... pick up some buns and a jar of pickles tonight...), then Monday we'll just stay home, I'll probably do a lot of cleaning, the chilluns will get all their poop in a group for school the next day, and we'll probably bring my mom over to grill something.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful