I'm not usually one to ask for help...
Sweet, sweet Elena, I can empathize with the overwhelming grip of stressors upon stressors can feel. Being strong, and being optimistic are not guaranteed 'vaccinations' against stress taking its toll to a body. Am listing several things, which hopefully, one small part will help you feel better sweetie. Sending prayers up for you to be stronger than the storms you're facing. Oceans of love and genuine hugs galore, Patti
This is where I'd give you one of my hand made 'Anti-Depression Kits: It's a little gift bag, with the following items and I so wish I could hand you one right now:
Toothpick - to remember to pick out the good qualities in yourself and others.
Rubber band - to remember flexibility when things might not always go the way you want, but will still work out.
Band-aid - to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's.
Pencil - to list your blessings every day.
String - to tie things together when everything seems to fall apart.
Eraser - to remind you everyone makes mistakes, and that's OK.
Chewing gum - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
Candy hug - everyone needs a hug every day.
Mint - to remind you you're worth a mint.
Penny - so you're never broke.
I often feel so mis-fit with the coffee and support gatherings, though fittingly here, I'd like to share what's on a plaque I'd received from a now-deceased very dear friend twenty years ago when I was gong through a tough time...I still look at it when I need to and it helps:
Rest your worries. Remember treasured moments.
Count your blessings--one by one. Be gentle with yourself, smell the roses. Ask for hugs. Slow down. Step back. Savor.
Look into the mirror and smile.
Listen to the music of the earth, the wind, the ocean, the birds, the mountains.
Relax. Reflect. Regroup.
This is where I'd give you one of my hand made 'Anti-Depression Kits: It's a little gift bag, with the following items and I so wish I could hand you one right now:
Toothpick - to remember to pick out the good qualities in yourself and others.
Rubber band - to remember flexibility when things might not always go the way you want, but will still work out.
Band-aid - to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's.
Pencil - to list your blessings every day.
String - to tie things together when everything seems to fall apart.
Eraser - to remind you everyone makes mistakes, and that's OK.
Chewing gum - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
Candy hug - everyone needs a hug every day.
Mint - to remind you you're worth a mint.
Penny - so you're never broke.
I often feel so mis-fit with the coffee and support gatherings, though fittingly here, I'd like to share what's on a plaque I'd received from a now-deceased very dear friend twenty years ago when I was gong through a tough time...I still look at it when I need to and it helps:
Rest your worries. Remember treasured moments.
Count your blessings--one by one. Be gentle with yourself, smell the roses. Ask for hugs. Slow down. Step back. Savor.
Look into the mirror and smile.
Listen to the music of the earth, the wind, the ocean, the birds, the mountains.
Relax. Reflect. Regroup.
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

I think you have my number.....If you need to talk or anything give me a call.......
Stress sucks, I know.....It does mess with our health too.....Somehow I hope these stresses go away soon.....You've come so far and done so well.....You've been such a wonderful cheerleader for us all, so if there's anything we can do for you just let us know.
Love, hugs, good vibes, and prayers sent your way........

I think you have my number.....If you need to talk or anything give me a call.......
Stress sucks, I know.....It does mess with our health too.....Somehow I hope these stresses go away soon.....You've come so far and done so well.....You've been such a wonderful cheerleader for us all, so if there's anything we can do for you just let us know.
Love, hugs, good vibes, and prayers sent your way........
