Any Vegetarian WLS people out there? Sorry-long
Hello everyone. First off, I wold like to say a big Thank You for all the supportive responses that I have received. Very much appreciated. Second-Thank you for the invite to the coffee at Perkins. By the time I read about the invite, I had been up until 5am (I am huge night person). As long as I don't work, I would love to attend the next one and pick every one's brain with questions :)
To TwinCitiesBear- Cloquet just celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Frank Lloyd Wright Service Station within the last few weeks. The town is raising money to renovate and fix up the place as many people want to see the place saved for future architecture/history buffs.
Now-on to my question- I am a vegetarian-or at least working hard to become one as meat already makes me sick, so I just want to eliminate is from my diet. Are there any vegetarian WLS people out there that might be able to share their knowledge with me? I have IBS and I am lactose intolerant, so I have a lot of intestinal/stomach issues. Meat, dairy, fat, sugar, caffiene, certain vegetables and fruits, pasta and breads I have problems with (There's more, but basically I guess it is easier to say that the only thing that doesn't upset my stomach is plain water).
So-to all the vegetarians out there-how did you eat before and after your surgery? Is there any non dairy protein drinks out there? I know that I will have to be on a liquid diet a few weeks before surgery. I know that I can use SF Carnation Breakfast powder mixed with soy milk, but when I am at work, I guess I am looking for quick and easy-something in a can that I can bring. If anyone is willing to share their eating plans once you were able to eat solid foods.
OKay-I think that this is enough-for now :) I have to get ready to go back to work. Another six days on before my three days off. Looking forward to the responses. Thanks many times over!

It sounds like quite a challenge! Patti had a lot of good ideas - until I read her post I thought that it would be difficult to be a vegeterian post-op. Soy and Beans will be your best choices post-op as you will really need to pack in the protein. Given the complexity of your situation and the fact that your tastes and tolerances will change post-op, I would highly recommend that you discuss you post-op eating plans with your nutritionist.