update ot
Hey guys our vacation was great I had so much fun we left sunday went to the car show in St. Cloud met with my dad and his girlfriend got really burned by the sun went to Brainerd stayed at the Holiday Inn Express waterpark OMG I was like a little kid I was so dang tired wowzers. My kids had a blast also they thought it was cool mom was playing with them and running to beat them down the slide. ( I need to work on my speed) LOL anyways it was great we came home tuesday and I am so screwed up on my days from having monday and tuesday off. I can't believe it's friday and I can't believe how tired I still am today is better however. Who would of thought being on vacation just chillen would be so tiring. We went to the pirates cove did mini golf myoldest son and hubby whooped my butt my little one and I were in the same. We went on the go carts wow I passed my oldest twice was that ever great LOL. Anyways I found out sunday when i was with my dad my uncle isn't doing good. He quit with his radiation and chemo and said what ever happens happens he is to weak to do anything. My dad also said he is on hospice and he said it was only to help clean but I don't think it is i don't think you go into hospice for them to clean your house and do errands wouldn't you get a home health aide to do that? I don't think he wants my dad to know how bad he is. Anyways if you have an extra prayer for him that would be great. Can yoiu believe school starts next week YIPPPEEE FRICKEN SKIPPYYYYYY I am so excited. Hope all of you had a great summer and maybe things will slowdown now and i will be on more. Take Care.
Hugs to all Marsh
Hugs to all Marsh
Hello my beautiful friend!!
I am so glad your vacation was so much fun. Sounds like there were some pretty awesome WOW moments!! Congrats on those!!
Yes...dear...you are being missed...so is Anita at MG coffee. You two need to make a trip of it and join us when you can.
St. Cloud Coffee is on August 30th......we usually meet about 9:30-10:00AM at Caribou Coffee outside Crossroads Center. Carol will be posting about it I am sure.
I don't have kids but I am glad that school will be starting soon. I am looking forward to those quiet mornings and afternoons!! The kids around here have been so loud and rowdy lately. They are up running around until after midnite most nights.....even the young ones!! I would hope they start going in early to get the sleep they need for school. At least I am praying so!!
Love you much....HUGS.....connie d
I am so glad your vacation was so much fun. Sounds like there were some pretty awesome WOW moments!! Congrats on those!!
Yes...dear...you are being missed...so is Anita at MG coffee. You two need to make a trip of it and join us when you can.
St. Cloud Coffee is on August 30th......we usually meet about 9:30-10:00AM at Caribou Coffee outside Crossroads Center. Carol will be posting about it I am sure.
I don't have kids but I am glad that school will be starting soon. I am looking forward to those quiet mornings and afternoons!! The kids around here have been so loud and rowdy lately. They are up running around until after midnite most nights.....even the young ones!! I would hope they start going in early to get the sleep they need for school. At least I am praying so!!

Hey Marsha, WOW!
Those are some amazing
WOWs! Great job
you! I'll remember your uncle
in a prayer--one of my close friends recently lost her mother due to the mom's choice to cease all treatments, was so tired and in pain. Prayers for you, too, hon, for strength and understanding --and patience
for the day school starts!
?!!! Hugs galore, Patti

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Hey lady! Isn't it fun being a non-sideline Mom these days. I for so long was a sideline Mom always watching and cheering on Lukas. Now I can participate and enjoy things with him. So glad you had a great time and able to bond with your kids like that!! You all deserved a little vacation and a great time.
Sorry that your uncle is still not doing well. You all are certainly in my thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes! Miss you!@
Sorry that your uncle is still not doing well. You all are certainly in my thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes! Miss you!@