Lab Band Friendly general doctor in the South Metro?
Hello there! I'm new here, but I'm betting I'll be around much more in the future. I'm 31 and a mother of two young girls 3 and 1. I am currently looking into getting the lap band surgery.
So here is my deal right now I was hoping someone could help me with. I had a meeting with my general doctor in Woodbury yesterday. She is great I like her, and she sent me to do the weight loss seminar at United hospital in St. Paul...but we moved to a new house in Savage in April. I am really leaning towards getting a new general doc closer to home, I feel I just can't do the drive over there all the time.
So, I set up my initial meeting to learn about the lap band with Park Nicollet in St. Louis Park next week...but I really also want to find a good general doctor who is lap band friendly in the south metro (Edina, Eden Prairie, Burnsville, etc), any good suggestions? I'd greatly appreciate it!
So here is my deal right now I was hoping someone could help me with. I had a meeting with my general doctor in Woodbury yesterday. She is great I like her, and she sent me to do the weight loss seminar at United hospital in St. Paul...but we moved to a new house in Savage in April. I am really leaning towards getting a new general doc closer to home, I feel I just can't do the drive over there all the time.
So, I set up my initial meeting to learn about the lap band with Park Nicollet in St. Louis Park next week...but I really also want to find a good general doctor who is lap band friendly in the south metro (Edina, Eden Prairie, Burnsville, etc), any good suggestions? I'd greatly appreciate it!