The handsome fella is...
Awwww, Kelly~
Thanks so much for the 'no way, Grandma??'!!
Yup--Gaius is my second grandchild, son of my oldest son. My first one, Galen, lives in Vancouver--and his mom (my daughter) will be blessed with another little bundle at the end of Feb.
These guys are why I'm also applying for work out West--to be closer to the grandkids!
Thanks so much for the 'no way, Grandma??'!!

Yup--Gaius is my second grandchild, son of my oldest son. My first one, Galen, lives in Vancouver--and his mom (my daughter) will be blessed with another little bundle at the end of Feb.
These guys are why I'm also applying for work out West--to be closer to the grandkids!
They do grow up so fast! I'm missing so much of the grandkids' important milestones. Thank goodness for digital cameras and email!
Gaius is my little 'Elmer Fudd'--and I say that with the utmost love!
This kid is as sharp as a tack. He says 'Mummmm" when he wants his mother, and calls the boob--anyone's boob!--'BOB'. Apparently Ian and Amanda were in a book store and she was standing pretty close to another woman. Gaius reached for her 'BOB" and wanted a snack! Amanda took that in stride and took Gaius to a comfy chair and nursed him.
The kid does know what he wants!
Gaius is my little 'Elmer Fudd'--and I say that with the utmost love!
This kid is as sharp as a tack. He says 'Mummmm" when he wants his mother, and calls the boob--anyone's boob!--'BOB'. Apparently Ian and Amanda were in a book store and she was standing pretty close to another woman. Gaius reached for her 'BOB" and wanted a snack! Amanda took that in stride and took Gaius to a comfy chair and nursed him.
The kid does know what he wants!