Playing the insurance game
Seems all I have been doing is making phone calls. Called the insurance company, said to just go see a surgeon. Made an appt in Winona with a surgeon who does NOT do any bariatric surgery let alone get involved with it. Then got to thinking, nope, I am not gona play their game. Just go and see a surgeon, and then they'd come up with - oops we meant it had to be a bariatric surgeon, so I canceled that, got hold of a surgeon in Lacrosse, called back to Mayo, got my records faxed to me- So, now I wonder what their excuse is going to be. I keep looking at all the success stories on this board and I want a success story too. It's a coming!!!!!! Jan
I to had to fight with my inusurance company. I had to have the insurance coordinator from PNC call my insurance and speak with the medical director and prove my need for the surgery. They did finally agree with her and told her that she had won. Before all that I was in tears because when I had found out that I was denied, I said to myself I have done every thing that I was supposed to do. All I can say is keep your head high and fight the fight! You will get there!!! I now have a surgery date set for Sept. 2nd.