Angry Pouch
I don't know if it was the bbq pulled pork, baked beans, cole slaw or rhubarb dessert last night, but man is my pouch ever mad at me!!! I was up until almost 6/a rubbing it and popping antacids. Oh wait - I bet is was the entire combination of foods! :) lol On a sweet note, when I woke up (a few minutes ago), my youngest kitten had his front legs around my neck and his head was cradled in my neck. I think he knew I wasn't feeling well and was trying to comfort me :D So - yet another Saturday morning I haven't made coffe *grumbles*.
Thanks, Connie. Now that you mention it - I've only eaten cole slaw one other time since surgery and it didn't set well then either. Maybe that was my problem! There must be some difference between cooked and uncooked cabbage, because I make SF Sweet & Sour cabbage all the time and it doesn't affect me at all.