Too much stress, no support...

Vent away sweetie!!!! Quitting smoking is hard -- I did it 4 years ago after smoking ALOT everyday for 35 years!!! It is very hard but now I can't stand the smell of them and would NEVER go back to smoking.
Please don't let this stuff get you down for too long----your health is important so don't let outside stuff hurt your progress with your isn't worth it.
I wish I could make things easier for you during this difficult time or say something to make you feel better but words don't always help, so I'm sending you loving thoughts and Giant ((Hugs)) and If you would like to chat just pm me and I can either give you my phone number or give me yours and I'll give you a call.
I'm not clued in to the behind the scenes drama, but I'm so sorry you didn't get to Valley Fair. Sometimes life sucks
As for your upcoming surgery - you have every right to be aprehensive. Your sisters need a good swift kick in the behind. They should be with you, no matter what their feelings are about the surgery. I'd be ticked off, too.
I wish I lived closer so that I could help you out, but I hope that sending you a big cyber hug helps you feel better.
Congratulations on quitting smoking - that is wonderful news. You go, girl!!

so sorry you missed out on VF over something rather trivial. try not to let whatever drama unfolded to get to you. You are so fantastic and fun, I feel sorry for anyone who would have rained on your day-week-life!! your siblings should be smacked-let me at 'em. I wish I could be of more help to you-I work in SLP at Park Nicollet, but live in Burnsville, I would be able to stop by after work if you need me to-PM me if you need my number, okay? I worry about you not having anyone to at least check on you with your surgery.
hugs hugs and more hugs-and WOW for getting off cigs at such a stressful time!!

Congrats on quitting the smokes! After a week or so you will feel better--food will taste better, even AIR will seem fresher and sweeter--and you will be surprised at your ability to draw long breaths!
Now--it sucks big time that there was a miscommunication about your offer to share discount tickets to VF!! Boy oh boy! Some people! You SHOULD'VE been out there screamin' your head off! And you would've been a match for Kelly and Darla and the big pickle. (????) I hope the next Fun Day, you're out there screamin' and hollerin' with the best of them! VENOM--You have not been conquered until you've been ridden by Patti-Tat-Too!!
But here's what I have to say--Patti-Tat-Too--I am behind you 100%!!
You are a trouper, but you don't have to go it alone. If I were anywhere in your vacinity I'd be there to nurse-maid you in recovery from surgery. (From which you will come out being a perfect size 2, when the swelling subsides

Sweetie--you are an awesome person and poo on anyone who disses you!!
Let me at 'em! I'll take 'em down for you!!
(((HUGS)) and
