OT - Life Stress
Arggghhhh!!!!! I don’t know how much more I can take!
I’m still job hunting after not working since November, when I landed in the hospital for two months with my anemia, back pain (ended up with back surgery), and other problems.
The job I was in at the time let me go when I called in sick and four days later I landed in the hospital. I think that turned out to be a blessing in disguise, though, but I won’t go into that here.
I was in my last semester of school and luckily my instructors gave me incompletes (thank you, instructors!). I should have finished in December, but was able to fit in an internship in April and finish up my classes in time to walk in May. Now I’m studying for certification (Health Information Technology). But job hunting is not fun! I’m running into that brick wall of needing experience, but I can’t get the job to GET that experience! I’ve been living off of retirement money, and am trying to get some money back that my sister owes me, but that’s also another brick wall. I’m slowly paying off medical bills, too.
Today my car decides to act up.
The heat gauge went up to “high” and I smelled a faint smell of antifreeze, but I checked it and it was half-full (I filled it up, anyway). I checked and added a little oil, too. I called the dealer, but they were gone for the afternoon (company function), so I’m going to call them back on Monday. I’m not driving this weekend until I can find out exactly what might be wrong. I did not need this today!!! As soon as the car gets fixed, I’m checking on temp jobs.
I wish I was Mary Poppins and could just snap my fingers and have it all go away!!! I know things will get better - it's just a little hard to see right now.
(Okay, done venting now. Thanks for listening!)

Thanks, Reenie. I've had my umbrella ready lately.
Things have to be on their way up soon! And I actually was at the gym today when my car acted up, so I took out my frustrations on the treadmill and the bike (did a mile on each). Good thing it's only a couple blocks from here so I was able to get the car home!

So sorry Nancy!! The whole "when it rains, it pours" thing is overwhelming.
I have a bit of that going on, too! So just keep the faith and hang in there! I just keep telling myself that my trying time will make me stronger, and then I think
, nope-it's gonna drive me crazy!!! Keep us posted.
Keep your chin up!

Keep your chin up!
Hi ((((HUGS))))
stress just sucks--plain and simple. I have some anxiety issues and when I get stressed out- I am such a disaster! Doesnt it always seem its one thing after another? I have been worried about this surgery coming up and then find out my husbands place of employment that filed chap 11 restructuring is doing really poorly. UGH So now to worry about that AGAIN. I kind of got over it, after it initially happened in Jan ( was supposed to have my surgery back then, but postponed due to too much stress) so now, i see the past 6 months financials and am freaking out.
You poor thing... having to be in the hospital for two months... I cant imagine. ((another hug))
From one stressed out chick to another....HERE'S A BIG HUG. It will get better- like you said, it's just hard to see right now.
If it ever gets really too much to handle, send me a message and we can go do something totally rediculous to take our minds off of stuff.
* starts creating list of totally rediculous stuff to do*
Take care,
stress just sucks--plain and simple. I have some anxiety issues and when I get stressed out- I am such a disaster! Doesnt it always seem its one thing after another? I have been worried about this surgery coming up and then find out my husbands place of employment that filed chap 11 restructuring is doing really poorly. UGH So now to worry about that AGAIN. I kind of got over it, after it initially happened in Jan ( was supposed to have my surgery back then, but postponed due to too much stress) so now, i see the past 6 months financials and am freaking out.
You poor thing... having to be in the hospital for two months... I cant imagine. ((another hug))
From one stressed out chick to another....HERE'S A BIG HUG. It will get better- like you said, it's just hard to see right now.
If it ever gets really too much to handle, send me a message and we can go do something totally rediculous to take our minds off of stuff.
* starts creating list of totally rediculous stuff to do*
Take care,
You hit that one on the nail!!! My last two years have been one thing after another - things HAVE to be on the upswing soon! Yeah, two months kinda sucked - from before Thanksgiving 'til after New Years! At least I didn't have to deal with the weather.
Thanks for the hugs - and totally ridiculous sounds like fun!
I just hope the car doesn't turn out to be a big fix!
And good luck on your surgery on Tuesday. I'll save a spot on the losers' bench for ya!
Thanks for the hugs - and totally ridiculous sounds like fun!

And good luck on your surgery on Tuesday. I'll save a spot on the losers' bench for ya!

I am sitting here thinking about the night my oldest son had some of his high school wrestling team over to hang out. It got a little later in the evening and I heard a commotion outside, and my son , for some "totally rediculous" reason was running down the road in just a jock strap and a darth vader face mask.
I hereby swear--that will NOT be on my list of TOTALLY REDICULOUS things to do!
I hereby swear--that will NOT be on my list of TOTALLY REDICULOUS things to do!