And here'sssssssss.......

on 8/15/08 7:41 am - Fargo, ND

     Ambles in waving her parade type wave as best as she can muster!
First thing I want to do is thank everyone for the well wishes and stuff while I was in surgery/hospital! You guy/gals rocks! A HUGE thanks to Becky!! Woman you are one of a kind!! So glad we bonded! When Your day comes on Monday I will be lighting the candles and all that jazz for you and posting updates.  LOL People when Becky would call me at the hospital and hear how aweful I sounded, I think she would push on her brakes as if oh hell no! I can't do it. Becky you can!! We will be here cheering you on from the sidelines. She called me the day I was leaving the hospital and was so glad to hear my normal voice and hers fears have melted away- Just remember to give the doc an ego boost at some point! (it's fun!!)
 Now for my posting on my events (got to love cut and paste)
Thanks again everyone!

Friends and Family,

     Update on my health. I had the surgery on Aug 12Th (Gastric bypass). I was instructed to be at the hospital at 6 am. We got there on time. Was called back into a room to dress and get vitals and stuff out of the way. Then they call back any or all family members a person has with them for surgery that day. I was told a bit later that my surgery had been bumped. It would not be at 8 am. more like 930ish. Yeah, well it was actually 10ish.
     The surgery was said to take 3 hrs. I was wheeled away,greeted by many people in funny outfits, you know the paper kind! Laughs! Next I knew I was in a hospital room, I do not remember surgery or recovery. All I remember is they handed me my pump for pain meds and told me hit the button when you feel pain. I held onto that button item as if to never let go. I was not even near wake mode but I did not let go!! I don't think I even pushed it from lack of alertness. It is all kind of funny now looking back a couple days.

     The surgery actually took 4 hrs to complete vs the 3 hrs they scheduled it to take. They ran into a glitch during surgery. All my fat deposits were where they needed to go! LOL figures, I never make things easy. I also had to have extra dead intestine tissue removed as it was blue from being with out blood for so long, I lost about 4 or so inches of that, but what the heck we have like what 15 feet of it?

     When I seen my surgeon the next day I do remeber telling him that I picked him cause he was young, he chuckled. Come on every man always needs a good ego boost and every woman no matter how out of it, will flirt- isn't it like a law of somekind? Then I told him I also picked him because his girlfreinds name is Kelly.. How could I go wrong? LOL He then walked towards me says How do you know Kelly. I don't LOL He happened to have mentioned her name when he came to give a speech at one of our support group meetings. It was probley nothing anyone else even picked up on ( Yeah me and my g.f Kelly were at the fargo dome.....) is how it was said. LOL Remember people are always lurking and listening!

     I am home recovering, trying to get as much protein in as I can and heal fast. Sleep has became my close friend,which sometimes makes me miss out on protein stuff on schedule. At this point I am glad this part is over, glad to be alive(i think) and look forward to the next phases of life.
     I want to thank everyone who have supported me during the first legs of this journey and continue to hold you near and dear to me, Yes, I will be dragging you with to the finish line!

Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
Becky D.
on 8/15/08 7:58 am - ND
I was feeling pretty crappy today. Thanks for the smiles!

on 8/15/08 9:31 am
Glad you are on the road to recovery!!!  Take care of you!!  Welcome to the losers bench!

   MY DS  
 labrats.jpg picture by Frozen_Peach

Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at DS Facts
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on 8/15/08 11:54 am - Minneapolis, MN
Glad to hear that all went well and that you are now home well on your way to recovery!  Make sure to keep sipping your water and talking little walks as well as getting your protien in and you will be good as new in no time!  I too picked my surgeon cause he was young and cute (and found out he went to med school with my pschiatrist)!  Healing hugs and prayers!  Nicole

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Connie D.
on 8/17/08 1:27 am
Thanks for the post. Glad everything went well for you.

Becky has done a great job updating us...she sure has been a good angel for you!

Welcome to recovery...hope it is a quick and easy. Enjoy the journey!!

Hugs, connie d
on 8/17/08 1:30 am - Fargo, ND
Angels come along when least expected and in special packages.
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
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