Friday Coffee Talk

Randall Culpepper
on 8/14/08 9:03 pm - Guntersville, AL
Good Friday morning everyone!  WOO HOO!!  The weekend is just about here!  Only 6 more days till Lucy and her Mom are in town!  I can't wait!  I sure do miss my baby!  Anyway, a new day is here!  The weekend!  Got big plans?  I plan to finish painting Allison's bedroom.  It is pink with black polka dots on the wall.  GIRLS!!  LOL 

Our challenge for today is to judge.  NO!  I don't mean to judge people.  What I am talking abou is to be a better judge of words and how we answer people.  We need to be slow to react.  Slow to speak.  Judge your words.  If you are replying to someone, judge how you are replying.  Are you reading the post right?  If your friends, neighbors, kids, spouse are saying something to you, are you misjudging how they mean it?  Too often, we take things the wrong way.  We need to be more careful to speak and judge how things are said to us.  I hope this is making sense this morning.  What I am really trying to say is, LISTEN OR READ WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING BEFORE YOU FLY OFF THE HANDLE AND ATTACK.  We could save more fights between our spouses, friends, kids, and neighbors if we would do this. 

So, who's up?  What cha sipping on?  Me?  I'm loving some wonderful Caramel Truffle coffee sent to me by a great friend from Minnesota, Adriannamae aka Kelly.  This coffee sure is good!  THANKS KELLY!!  I love ya my friend!

Ya'll have an awesome slow to speak Friday!! 
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Becky D.
on 8/14/08 9:31 pm - ND
I should have done that last night before flying off the handle at my daughter. I felt awful all night. Kids are so forgiving though. thanks for the reminder.

on 8/15/08 12:47 am - Minneapolis, MN

Good Morning Randy and TGIF!  I am having me some plain coffee with SF French Vanilla creamer and Hazelnut Splenda, which has become a morning necessity for me recently!  I agree that we all need to take time to stop and think before we react/respond.  I find that I when I stop and really think about things before replying that I will often change what I would have initially responded with.  I am learning to do this especially with my family and I can still be a little sensative at times (no where near as bad as I used to be though).  Pink w/black polka dots, huh?  Sounds like a lot of work, you are such a great father it makes me wish I could paint the walls of my apartment!  Anyways I had best get back to work as I am leaving early for a nutritionist appointment and then heading up to my parents for the weekend to help Mom take care of Dad as he is getting out of the hospital today after having double knee replacement on Monday.  Have fun painting!  ~Nicole

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

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