I feel...

Sandra N.
on 8/14/08 12:49 am - MN
Thank you Sweetheart!  Who knows where this will go!  I just want relief for pain!  All my "extra" skin is in my legs as I've always bottom heavy.

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


Connie D.
on 8/14/08 4:56 am
Sandi....gentle hugs and many prayers that the pain goes away!!

Love you much     connie d 

Darla S.
on 8/14/08 2:52 am - Maple Grove, MN
I can SOOOOO relate, hon - I've had a crap left knee for years, related to a back injury that sent pain down through my leg.  Yeah, I figured it would get better, too, and it HAS, but it's not GONE.  I know that at some point tomorrow at Valleyfair, I'll be a hurtin' unit. 

I've heard some reasonable explanations - once we lose so much weight, we're a lot more active!  Even tho there aren't as many pounds hammering on the knee, there IS the added activity wearing on it!  Also, we've actually lost some of the fat padding/cushion we had in and around the knee joint, which means there isn't as much "shock absorber" material in that area! 

So anyway, one of the PNC nurses told me that when I have pain that acetaminophen won't touch, an ibuprofen is acceptable - as long as it isn't a regular thing.  And he also highly recommended the liqui-gels as opposed to other forms, as it dissolves/absorbs more quickly, therefore doesn't sit in our pouch as long to irritate it.  I used to take 800mg of ibuprofen for pain - 4 pills.  Now I can take just one (200 mgs) for extreme pain, and it takes care of it quickly and thoroughly!  So you might want to run that possibility by your doc?

Love you, miss you, hope to see you again sometime soon!

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

Sandra N.
on 8/14/08 8:57 am - MN
Love and Miss you too Hon!  Well, went to my PCP and got 2 things to work on.  1) knees 2)vericous.  The knees are going to be a paper trail of EVERYTHING tried so that if I can't manage it we will be sending ALL documentation and the esitmates of knee replacement vs. thigh skin removal(PCP believes the extra skin is the culprit of my knee pain).  And as far as the varicous, well Tues I have some tests done need to get appoved for fixing them BUT THEN AGAIN insurance can consider this cosmetic!  UGH!  Until then, I have pain meds and therapy to try to help all......wooohooooooooo!

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


Lori Pool
on 8/14/08 5:09 am - Chanhassen, MN
Sorry to hear you are in pain Sandy. That really sucks. I hope that you can get this taken care of in a timely manner. In the meantime, I will keep you in my prayers.

Sandra N.
on 8/14/08 8:59 am - MN
I SURE MISS YOU!!!!!  I love your avatar.  Things will work out eventually.....hmmmm, insurance!grrrr!!

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


on 8/14/08 5:39 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Awwww, Sweetie~
I'm sorry that you're feeling so much pain. I have arthritis in both knees and left ankle--from years of running and delivering parcels as a courier.
I have been on Celebrex (with Prevacid chaser to protect my stomach) for a couple years and have had nothing but NO ACHIN' JOINTS! No tummy troubles, no aching body. (My old employer STILL has me on their drug plan--THANK GOD--or I would not be able to afford
either med!)

Maybe you should check it out?

God bless~
(((HUGS))) and **SUE**

Sandra N.
on 8/14/08 9:01 am - MN
Thanks SWEETIE!  I will bring it up if the stuff she gave me and therapy don't help.....I AM A WIMP when it comes to pain!

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


on 8/14/08 8:58 am
I'm sorry you are having such pain!!  I hope they can figure out something to help you!!

   MY DS  
 labrats.jpg picture by Frozen_Peach

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Sandra N.
on 8/14/08 9:03 am - MN
THANKS Dear!!  They are working on it but I guess this won't be a quick fix

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


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