SONday Coffee Talk
Good SONday morning everyone! Boy! Is it EVER a beautiful morning. I've been sitting out in the swing, enjoying the coolness, and watching the awesome sunrise. The sky was so beautifully painted by God this morning. I saw purples, oranges, blues, greens, yellows and white. Just like God had took his hand and slung paint in the air. It was BEAUTIFUL! God is so awesome isn't He?
I'm enjoying some good old coffee Dayner Dee sent me about a year ago. I found it as we were moving into this house. I have so much coffee till I won't need coffee for a YEAR! LOL I Love it though! I'm getting to share it with others and it makes me feel good. Mind you, I REFUSE to send you what my secret pals have sent! NONO! HEHEHEHE I love my coffee! I even have coffee that was sent to me from Australia from Helen, a dear friend. Lucy will be here soon and she and I will have this coffee gone in no time. HAHAHA! Dayner, thanks for the Hazelnut Cream coffee this morning. It sure is good!
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful SONday and as you go about your day, realize how blessed you are!

Just having some Hot Tea this morning.......Sat on the deck and listened to the birds chirpping.......Late afternoon yesterday we took Marek our 5 year old to MOA.....He had a blast on the rides and really liked Lego land..........We bumped into Kelly F. She was there working the Childrens Hospital get together for a certain cancer.........
I'm so glad Lucy is able to come down and see you guys.......Are you still coming up here before the wedding? My hubby would like to meet you if you are......
I do plan on going up before the wedding. I am going to help Lucy move some things down. If she decides to wait and move after the wedding, I still have a $200.00 flight credit from United Airlines I plan on using! Yay! I would be honored to meet your husband. He is a blessed man to have you.
You have a wonderful day my friend. I gotta get ready for church. I play piano and I have to be there at 8:30.

It is in deed a beautiful day!!
I am just sitting here relaxing and enjoying the nice weather. It sure has been a quiet and lovely day so far. Praise God!!
As I promised yesterday I gave Lucy a big hug from you at MG coffee. She is the sweetest!! She said the hug was nice but not quite the same as yours!! I love that little gal!!
Have a wonderful day my dear friend.
Love and hugs......connie d
Hey Connie, you teeny gorgeous girl friend