Linda Anne visit this evening...
I got to see my girl earlier this evening and I was so relieved to be able to check in on her - I've been so worried about her! I wasn't quite prepared for her to look as rough as she did but it's because she always looks so damn good ya know. Hard to hear her as she's quite looped up and was in and out of sleep but in one brief moment she did manage to ask me if her hair looked greasy! LMAO All I could do was lean over and say "nah, it looks fab". And then shed a lil tear when she dozed out again.
I left her some little notes on her white board and I'm sure Brian will be like "huh" but it's all good. I wanted to give her something to focus on while lying there recovering.
Granny had sent a lovely plant and her parents had sent a nice bouquet. They also were focal points for her to look at which I figure is a good thing.
Honestly I hated to leave but she needs her rest so I cut my visit short. She asked me to turn out the light when I left and just like that, she was snoozin' again. I pray she gets some great rest tonight!
She had asked me to post and thank everyone for their prayers - it really means a lot to her. But, as long as she's still in recovery mode, please continue the prayers and support!
Peace out.
Please pass along my love if/when you talk to and see her again, okay?

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I think I mentioned that I was not going to go see her because of her new surgery and my bacterial infection (That is suposedly gone.); but I am not taking any chances for her sake and my sake.
Well, maybe, I'll sign off and try to get some sleep tonight. I sure didn't get any last night due to prayers most of the night.
Again, "thank", Amy!
Love ya.....................Granny Eileen