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Thanks, that photo was worth the trouble in the end. We stayed in the Royal Botanical Garden so long trying to get the shot that we got locked in. We walked till we found a place open where a couple was having their wedding reception and slipped out through threre. That put us way away from where we needed to be so we walked a LONG way in the dark to get back to the Circular Quay to catch the train home. If hubby hadn't been with me I'd been lost, I didn't recognize anything. Hubby was armed with his monopod if anyone tried anything, we didn't know if we were in a safe area or not. We walked as fast as we could, I almost got ran over by a taxi when we got close to the train station.
I haven't worried about the crate as much since she is doing so much better with the housebreaking. We are going to take her with us to CA soon (driving) and I'm worried about her not being leash trained. I hate the thought of letting her out to potty in a strange place. I will keep putting the leash on her she will have to walk and/or pee at some point. I did buy a small collapsable travel carry bag/kennel that is open on all sides except the bottom. It holds dogs up to 30 pounds and she's only 7. The old kennel I put on the floor with the door open thinking she may get brave and venture in but no. I have found the cat in it three times though, just laying there like "what's the big deal". I may try to bait her with her favorite treat, I'll put one way in back and if she wants it she'll have to go in. Maybe if she sees she can go in and out it will be ok. She is learning to play a bit and took her last pill today from when she got sick the weekend we went to the wedding. Yep, she LOVES cheese even if it has a pill in it.
She barked her head off when our daughter came by yesterday, but her boyfriend came by later and she didn't bark once. Our daughter said what's up with that? I said all women love a man in uniform. He's in the Army National Guard and was in uniform including beret. She doesn't mind being pet by a stranger anymore but she still is afraid if they hold her. I think she's afraid of being dognapped.
Thanks for asking! We are making progress!
I haven't worried about the crate as much since she is doing so much better with the housebreaking. We are going to take her with us to CA soon (driving) and I'm worried about her not being leash trained. I hate the thought of letting her out to potty in a strange place. I will keep putting the leash on her she will have to walk and/or pee at some point. I did buy a small collapsable travel carry bag/kennel that is open on all sides except the bottom. It holds dogs up to 30 pounds and she's only 7. The old kennel I put on the floor with the door open thinking she may get brave and venture in but no. I have found the cat in it three times though, just laying there like "what's the big deal". I may try to bait her with her favorite treat, I'll put one way in back and if she wants it she'll have to go in. Maybe if she sees she can go in and out it will be ok. She is learning to play a bit and took her last pill today from when she got sick the weekend we went to the wedding. Yep, she LOVES cheese even if it has a pill in it.

Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend