on 8/8/08 2:07 am - Brooklyn Park, MN
I don't really post too much on here (frowned upon during work hours), but I thought this was important for all my computer-loving friends here at OH.

I received this email/warning from my daughter in CA this morning…didn’t think too much about it or about forwarding it…however, now I have gotten an email from my other daughter here in MN and she actually had this email this morning.  So it is real…watch out for it!

 It’s verified per Snopes too! 

08.07.2008 Daily Top 10” Email Scam


A new virus ha**** the Internet and is spreading quickly through a fake email that appears to come from CNN. If you receive the fake email, delete it immediately.

The  Quick Facts
1.  The subject of  the email is " Daily Top 10" 2.  The email  contains links to fake CNN news headlines (Screenshot A) 3.  Clicking the  links prompts users to install what looks like a media player, but is  actually a virus (Screenshot B)
What  You Can Do
1.  If you see this  message, or anything similar, in your inbox or spam quarantine, delete it  immediately. 2.  If you received a  similar email and clicked on any of the links, please contact the  Information Security Hotline at 4-7774 so they can check your computer for  viruses.
What  MIS Is  Doing                    
1.  Blocking the fake  emails, but some are still getting through 2.  Blocking access  to the virus to prevent it from installing on company  computers

Screenshot A:
Fake CNN email
Clicking these links will prompt you to install a media player that is actually a virus.

on 8/8/08 2:20 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thank you for the head's up Teri! It is scary how sneaky these danged hackers are getting.  Hopefully this warning will save some people from infecting their computers!

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 8/8/08 4:00 am - Hopkins, MN
I was aware of this awhile ago. IMHO, I'd suggest subscribing (it's FREE) to, and register for Email updates. (it's a clean source with no ads, spam, or junk).  I receive a notification Email  about once every ten days or so which diffrentiate betweet 'fact(s)', 'rumor(s)' or 'false (ifications)'.  It's been very helpful, especially with quite a few sensational 'forwards' I receive in the inbox.  As a preventative measure, I look it up in snopes, then cut/paste it to the original Email and hit "return to all.'  Just food for thought people.  Other helpful items:  never open an Email from someone you don't know.   Only download from 'trusted' sites.  This new computer I got three weeks ago is LOADED with Firewall, Windows Defender, anti-virus, SPAM protection, anti-spyware, and more.  If your 'puter doesn't have maximum security measures, download and Avira anti-virus, both which can be set to run scans overnight.  One just can't be too cautious! 
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

(deactivated member)
on 8/8/08 4:52 am - MN
We just got the same warning from our corporate office on this.  Thanks for the warning.
Connie D.
on 8/8/08 5:17 am
Thank you Teri....I will be passing this on.

Good to see you here today!

Hugs, connie d
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