Friday Coffee Talk
Our challenge for today is to do something for yourself! Every now and then, I like to have a YOU day. Today, do something JUST FOR YOU!! Treat yourself to something you rarely get. Buy yourself something you've been wanting (within reason). HA! You work hard. You give of yourself. You look after your family. YOU DESERVE A YOU DAY! Go treat yourself today!! What will I do for me? Gonna take me some thinking, but I'm sure I will do something!!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm LOVING me some Chocolate Covered Cherry coffee from Fresh Market. This stuff is just soooo good! Gotta love it!
Ya'll have a wonderful, blessed and FUN YOU DAY!!

You read my mind today!! This is definately going to be a day just for me. I so need it!!
I am going out dancing tonight as some of my best friends have a band and are playing nearby. I will dance the night away!!
However, the earlier part of the day will be R & R for me!!
A couple of very sweet people I know are getting married in Alabama and I am lucky enough to be attending. Hee Hee!! I need to get out there and find a dress to wear to the wedding or I will be going in my pajamas!!
Love and hugs to you...and Lucy too......connie d
So tonight, after work, I'm gonna pick up a couple of Papa Murphy's pizzas, and me & the family are gonna nestle in down in the family room to watch the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics! I hardly ever watch tv, so I'm really looking forward to this! (Whenever I DO sit still in my recliner long enough, my beautiful Hazel likes to curl up on top of me - as if she's a lap doggie! I gotta admit, I love it

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

Good Morning! Well, the morning is actually almost over, but this was my first chance to hop on here today! I am taking some time to do something fun tonight after work. I was invited out by a couple of women I met at church for a"Girls Night" and we are going to bake cookies, have a bonfire and watch movies and I may sleep over, although I haven't quite decided as I still need to cut up some veggies for the family reunion tomorrow. As far as giving myself something I want, well yesterday I bought a 2006 PT Cruiser because my car died and while we were able to revive it and get it to the dealership to trade-in I didn't want to risk it happening again. I have been sipping on a SF homemade latte (coffee plus SF French vanilla creamer and Splenda Hazelnut flavor packets). I am not sure when it happened but I have turned into a coffee drinker! Boy are my parents going to be suprised when I pour a cup on Sunday morning at their house! I hope you are able to come up with something fu to do for yourself today. Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. Your mention of the holler made me miss Kentucky, where my mom grew up and we visited in June....the mountains and hollers are so beautiful!