Why am I still GAINING??
I quit the drinking a 12 pack of twisted tea (beer) on Sunday. I have been getting in all my water, taking my vits, and suprisingly feeling really well. Talking walks and busy busy busy doing the household things that I was to busy to do while drinking. I've been watching what I eat and making healthy choices. WHY am I gaining? In the last 5 days, I have gained at least 5 pounds. I thought that I would see the scale moving the OTHER way. What am I doing wrong?
BTW I'm staring a 6 week beginning schedule to running a 5K. Here's how to do it if you are interested too. http://www.nike.com/europerunning/flash/train/pdfs/beginners -5k.pdf
I'm stoked. It looks easy, but I'm sure my body will tell me otherwise.
BTW I'm staring a 6 week beginning schedule to running a 5K. Here's how to do it if you are interested too. http://www.nike.com/europerunning/flash/train/pdfs/beginners -5k.pdf
I'm stoked. It looks easy, but I'm sure my body will tell me otherwise.
Hard to say, but I wouldn't worry about it too much just yet. Could be your monthly, could be muscle weight, could be you're getting in the RIGHT kinds of liquids, and your body is hanging on to them until it's sure you won't cut it off!
Just keep doing the right stuff, hon... it'll work for you. Congrats on feeling well, and CONGRATS on starting the 5K training! If my knee didn't suck so bad, I might even try to "trot" a little myself! But I'f afraid I'll forever be a non-runner because of it.
Just keep doing the right stuff, hon... it'll work for you. Congrats on feeling well, and CONGRATS on starting the 5K training! If my knee didn't suck so bad, I might even try to "trot" a little myself! But I'f afraid I'll forever be a non-runner because of it.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I've just been drinking water and crystal light...I don't get my monthly's anymore, but I guess I still have the hormones....
I've always wanted to run so we'll see how this goes. I hear that the adrenaline that you get is just awesome and addicting. My aunt used to be a regular marathon runner, but she had to give it up too.
I've always wanted to run so we'll see how this goes. I hear that the adrenaline that you get is just awesome and addicting. My aunt used to be a regular marathon runner, but she had to give it up too.
Hi Paula, I agree with the others: you've implemented healty changes,
and your body is adjusting to everything right now. Were I able to run, I would, though the MS prevents anything other than slow 'trotting.' Be gentle
with yourself, and keep track of our measurements, because even at now two years out, mine have gone down and this summer I've done more walking than Pilates, go figure! Take care of you
hon! Oceans of love
and hugs galore, Patti

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.