Gorden and I will be at MG Coffee tomorrow
Okay... Gordens flight had mechanical problems, so he got bumped... won't be in until tomorrow morning, however, I told him since we have time before we go to Rochester.... we could go to MG coffee, and he could meet some of my friends... who is up for this?
Let me know... would hate to get there and have no one show up.!!!!!!
Let me know... would hate to get there and have no one show up.!!!!!!
I know there is West St. Paul and Burnsville coffee tomorrow. I will most likely be at W St. Paul... I think MG coffee is next Saturday. But who knows....
Hey, I would LOVE to go to W SP coffee, though it's too late to get MMobility ride. If anyone is heading over from the west 'burbs, I would treat you to your choices if you could pick me up in Hopkins--I live right off #169! Missed the last attempt, and this is on my mini-bucket list!?!!! Would be fabulous to have a larger group to meet Gorden and see Diane again! Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.