Yeay, more WOWs at two years out!!!
Wow! As if the fun get-together at MOA and rides wasn't fun and exciting enough, yesterday my cousin picked me up to go with she and her two kids to their swim lessons at a nearby beach. So away I went, wearing my cute size-eight tankini! As I got into the car, she beams, "every time I see you, you just get tinier!" (last saw she and her DH May 3rd!) Just loved that, as she's closer to my two sisters than I am, and they were (even maybe still thinking--they just don't say a word to me about it good or bad) I'd never keep the weight off! At the beach after their lessons, I swam with my cousin's ten yr old (next week!) girl and eight yr old boy out to the ten-foot tall platform with two thin looooooooonnnnnng ladders! I even had a BLAST jumping off the platform into the water with them! They (kids) hadn't seen me since January, and kept saying 'you're so skinny now". I'm definitely feeling like a 31 yr old trapped in a fifty-two yr old body, and LOVIN' IT! And after the beach, went with them to their inground pool at their house.... slept earlier for three hours, so am now facing the new day! Have a great day and weekend ya'all! Oceans of love and hugs galore, Patti (who did not literally scream at the beach, though was sure doing so inside!?!!)
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

To cool!
That is one thing I missed about living in the cities. Having lakes all around to hang out at. I used to spend a lot of time at a place called.....OH heck I don't remember now. LOL anyways it was in a St. Paul burb ( I want to say Lake Elmo). It was a man made lake (fancy pool if ya ask me lol )
The kids loved it there! No sea weed etc.. Here in ND I guess there is a swamp someplace,other wise pretty flat and dry..giggles I go from one extream to the other.
So glad you enjoyed the time with family and the WOW's!
That is one thing I missed about living in the cities. Having lakes all around to hang out at. I used to spend a lot of time at a place called.....OH heck I don't remember now. LOL anyways it was in a St. Paul burb ( I want to say Lake Elmo). It was a man made lake (fancy pool if ya ask me lol )
The kids loved it there! No sea weed etc.. Here in ND I guess there is a swamp someplace,other wise pretty flat and dry..giggles I go from one extream to the other.
So glad you enjoyed the time with family and the WOW's!
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
Kellly/tink, yep, it was so fun, and had hoped my cousin had room for me today, though the kids get first choice and took some of their own friends. But I got to do it once, and that's enough if no other chances arise! I grew up in the 'north (real) lakes country, and would give anything to get up there regularly, though the lake yesterday here was just perfect! Gotta run some errands, so taking a small water spray bottle to the likely necesssary 'cool downs'! Have a wonderful day/weekend hon! Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

52, NO WAY.......I didn't know......You don't look it girlfriend........Or act like it.
Congrat's on all the wonderful comments....It's a great way to start the day.......
Sounds like you had a blast swimming......
How's that DVD coming? Did you get it on you tube? Darla also mentioned the site she uses, and it's free.....
Love ya, Kelly
52, NO WAY.......I didn't know......You don't look it girlfriend........Or act like it.

Congrat's on all the wonderful comments....It's a great way to start the day.......
Sounds like you had a blast swimming......
How's that DVD coming? Did you get it on you tube? Darla also mentioned the site she uses, and it's free.....
Love ya, Kelly
Yep Kelly, my body age defies the mental/physical age! Sure can feel it today with all that amazing exercise swimming, climbing, laughing, playing with the kids yesterday. And Kelly, I do know somebody who can get a copy of the 'screaming' video, which I'll send you the day I post it on YouTube--just gotta align our schedules...hopefully within the week! Yep, the problem isn't the web post sites, it's just because the thing's copyrighted. Sheesh! And there's no way I'd have a copy made if it were music/movies which are marketed for profit--like, who besides you and I would purchase a copy. of our screaming fest!?!!....oh well, you'll get yours soon as I hook up with my 'puter geek friend! Have an awesome day and fabulous weekend hon! Ooodles of LOVE and hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

From what I hear (and from what I remember of Larsmont) you are quite the par-tay animal! I'm so glad that you're getting out and about and generally acting like a big.. er, um LITTLE kid! Congrats on shrinking!!
Ain't it amazing how siblings are prone NOT to celebrate your successes? My BILs are great for mentioning weight loss, but the sisters---HUH! Jealousy?? Afraid that without me being the whale, that leaves the position open to them?? Dunno and don't care! I don't need their approval or acceptance!
Anyway, Patti-Tat-Too, you've done an awesome job! Glad the Lasix is working! AND I hope to see you soon!
(((HUGS))) and
Ain't it amazing how siblings are prone NOT to celebrate your successes? My BILs are great for mentioning weight loss, but the sisters---HUH! Jealousy?? Afraid that without me being the whale, that leaves the position open to them?? Dunno and don't care! I don't need their approval or acceptance!
Anyway, Patti-Tat-Too, you've done an awesome job! Glad the Lasix is working! AND I hope to see you soon!
(((HUGS))) and

Aw SweetSue, you're just exude SWEETNESS
baby! Thank you for your sweet words! There's plenty of us who just do not get positive feedback from siblings--aren't we glad we can choose our friends?!!! Hey, come on down to the MOA tomorrow! Laurie J and I are meeting at three p.m.--come on down, I believe there are more coming, the dinner at California Cafe then the two hour event with fabulous door prizes besides the AWESOME company!

So, if you get a wild hair up your whazoo call me, I've always got my cell phone on and with me !!! I;m PMing the number!!! SURPRISE US!!!! Oceans of love
and hugs galore! Patti Tat-Too
, ride-screamer-TOO!

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

CONNIE! You're so right! I know it's just a number
--and I know I don't act nor look it (
according to many people I know!) I see you'll be at MG coffee in the morning--I'd LOVE to go, though didn't get rides set up with MMobility
--nobody from SW 'burbs going, so won't get to hit that! Then, Diane and Gorden may be at W St Paul, though nobody replied to my 'need a ride' post.
Arggh! Hey, am meeting Laurie J at MOA
at three in the afternoon. Will you be there? Thank you for being so 'you' with your kind words hon!
Love YOU to pieces gorgeous little lady!
Oceans of love and hugga-hugga-hugs galore, Patti

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.