7/31 Today I will....
Good Morning! It is Thursday, only one more day till Friday and I couldn't be happier! This has been a long week so far, but at least with getting 2 more hours of sleep each night I am not feeling like a slug. Anyways, I had better get my goals out here and head off to work. Today I will....drink 100 ounces or more of liquids, eat 3 good meals, protien first, snack only when hungry not because I am bored or tired, go for a walk and do sculpting video, and go to bed by 10:30 or 11:00 pm. Yesterday I....didn't get a chance to post, but did my regular goals--got in 100 oz of liquid, ate 3 meals (although dinner did not come until 9:30 pm due to being at MOA and not being really hungry till then due in large part to the antibiotic I am on), got in some good sources of protien, only had 2 snacks, and got t bed at 11:00 pm. Hope everyone has a great day!