Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Today is going to be a wonderful day! Even with Thunderstorms headed this way, it's going to be a great day! I hope you slept as good as I did cuz I slept like a rock! HEHEHE
Our challenge for today is to be ready. Ready for what? Change. Change is something that we all face. It happens. If you haven't faced change in a long time, just get ready. I've always been one that likes things in a pattern, or, in other words, I didn't like change. In the last 10 years, I have learned that I can't control that. Change is going to happen. The main thing with change is...."How will "I" handle change. When I say "I", I mean you or I. How will we adapt when change comes? Will we allow it to whip us or will we just go with the flow and accept it? We don't have to like change, but we gotta be ready to accept that we can't change change so just be ready!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm loving some Harry & David Dark Chocolate coffee. For those who asked where I find these coffies, you can find this one at Harry & David's website from the search.
We had a blast at the Mall Of America yesterday. For all of you that came out, I really enjoyed meeting you and talking. Dayner, I hope you feel better this morning. I felt for you yesterday with that novacaine injected mouth. Kelly, you look amazing. Thank you to everyone who came. Torey and Allison had a blast. They are still in shock though. Culture shock. HEHEHEHEE Poor Bama young'uns. LOL
Ya'll have a great Thursday as you get ready for change!
Our challenge for today is to be ready. Ready for what? Change. Change is something that we all face. It happens. If you haven't faced change in a long time, just get ready. I've always been one that likes things in a pattern, or, in other words, I didn't like change. In the last 10 years, I have learned that I can't control that. Change is going to happen. The main thing with change is...."How will "I" handle change. When I say "I", I mean you or I. How will we adapt when change comes? Will we allow it to whip us or will we just go with the flow and accept it? We don't have to like change, but we gotta be ready to accept that we can't change change so just be ready!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm loving some Harry & David Dark Chocolate coffee. For those who asked where I find these coffies, you can find this one at Harry & David's website from the search.
We had a blast at the Mall Of America yesterday. For all of you that came out, I really enjoyed meeting you and talking. Dayner, I hope you feel better this morning. I felt for you yesterday with that novacaine injected mouth. Kelly, you look amazing. Thank you to everyone who came. Torey and Allison had a blast. They are still in shock though. Culture shock. HEHEHEHEE Poor Bama young'uns. LOL
Ya'll have a great Thursday as you get ready for change!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

I am at my coffee shop with tons of choices but I decided to have Vanilla cream brewed with a splash of English Toffee and skim milk....mmmmmmm
Change! WOW! happens alot and I need to prepared myself better!
Thanks Randall! Glad you are enjoying MN again!
Change! WOW! happens alot and I need to prepared myself better!
Thanks Randall! Glad you are enjoying MN again!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
Good morning! I agree that change is definitely something that can sometimes catch us off guard. In the last year my life has been full of change, most of it has been really good, and I am very grateful for the second chance at life not only from WLS but also a chance to live symptom free from depression. I am ready to embrace change, as I have learned that by being open to whatever the Lord intends for me is the best way to live life, when I hold on to the way things are I get stuck in a cycle and lose sight of the real goal in life. I am not sipping on anything yet, as I don't usually drink anything till after breakfast, which I have at work. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here in MN and it was great chatting with you and meeting your young'ens! ~Nicole
Good Morning Randall......
I am enjoying my Crystal Light Iced Tea this morning.
The post is good.....change is hard sometimes but usually for the best.
Wish I could have made it to MOA. I so wanted to be there. I had been in Iowa and just got back in town on Tuesday night. I was exhausted from the long problems etc. I just didn't have the energy to drive 1 & 1/2 hours back to the Cities yestersday.Sure sounds like I missed out on a good time!
Hugs...connie d
I am enjoying my Crystal Light Iced Tea this morning.
The post is good.....change is hard sometimes but usually for the best.
Wish I could have made it to MOA. I so wanted to be there. I had been in Iowa and just got back in town on Tuesday night. I was exhausted from the long problems etc. I just didn't have the energy to drive 1 & 1/2 hours back to the Cities yestersday.Sure sounds like I missed out on a good time!
Hugs...connie d
Ya know what? I had that revelation about CHANGE back when I was a kid! Talk about a creature of habit - I got really upset when our family's Christmas tradition of Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpa's got switched to Christmas Eve at aunt & uncles house! Then it changed again after a few years to Christmas Eve at OUR house! I hated it everytime it changed. But I also realized I had to go with the flow, 'cuz I didn't have the power to make things stay the same! It's been helpful. And honestly, I DO think about my childhood Christmasses every time a "big" change comes up in my life these days, and it still helps!
I'm so sorry I missed MOA, ESPECIALLY Torey and Allison soaking in the whole experience! How FUN to see something through the eyes of those who haven't yet experienced it???
Anyway... when are you leaving? Do you already have plans for this evening, or might I tempt you & Lucy out to Dunn Bros' for a cuppa??
I'm so sorry I missed MOA, ESPECIALLY Torey and Allison soaking in the whole experience! How FUN to see something through the eyes of those who haven't yet experienced it???
Anyway... when are you leaving? Do you already have plans for this evening, or might I tempt you & Lucy out to Dunn Bros' for a cuppa??
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Randy & Lucy,
Last night was a blast..........The rides and visiting were great......I told Patti that I will always remember our first meeting and going on the Fairly Odd Parents Coaster......What a thrill.....
Torey & Allison looked very happy.......Allison is gorgeous.....Looks like a model......Beautiful....Keep an eye on her Randy, the boys will be a coming..........I told my hubby that Torey wanted to see the BMW......
I'm so glad you guys made it here.....Enjoy the rest of the week and make sure on your way home you stop and sleep.......
CHANGE......Yep lot's of changes in the past 7 months.......So far I've gone with the flow......
Have a wonderful day, Kelly
Last night was a blast..........The rides and visiting were great......I told Patti that I will always remember our first meeting and going on the Fairly Odd Parents Coaster......What a thrill.....
Torey & Allison looked very happy.......Allison is gorgeous.....Looks like a model......Beautiful....Keep an eye on her Randy, the boys will be a coming..........I told my hubby that Torey wanted to see the BMW......
I'm so glad you guys made it here.....Enjoy the rest of the week and make sure on your way home you stop and sleep.......
CHANGE......Yep lot's of changes in the past 7 months.......So far I've gone with the flow......
Have a wonderful day, Kelly