Update on me.....
Carol - there is no reason at all to preach at you! All you are doing is noticing a pattern and realizing that that pattern needs to change before it becomes a habit! GOOD FOR YOU! I can't imagine how hard it was to admit this on here let alone to yourself! It takes a very strong person for that.
I can't offer anything but my support and my well wishes for you. You've done an awesome job so far and as you already stated - this is just another step you have to go!
I can't offer anything but my support and my well wishes for you. You've done an awesome job so far and as you already stated - this is just another step you have to go!
Carol - just wanted to let you know I think you are very brave to admit your struggle and seek help. I have these daily meditations emailed from Hazelden each day and this one came today maybe it can help
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says: "I'll try again tomorrow."
--Anne Hunninghake
A key quality that distinguishes a successful athlete, or a top-notch performer in any field, is the way he responds to his bad days. Everyone has good days and bad days, and the good ones are certainly easier to handle. But do we allow the bad ones to throw us off our course? Are we so shaken by our mistakes or troubles that we lose our focus on our goals?
Adult development is a process; it's never an end goal that we reach and hold. Our healing and recovery includes preparing ourselves to respond well to the bad days. We can do that by keeping our eye on the big picture, knowing that however bad things may seem at the moment, they will change. We learn to reach deep into our spiritual center for the courage to stay focused in the midst of our hardest days. We don't have to do it alone. We have the spiritual support of our Higher Power and the companionship of our friends to keep us on the path.
Today I will stay in touch with my spiritual center to find the courage for another day."
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says: "I'll try again tomorrow."
--Anne Hunninghake
A key quality that distinguishes a successful athlete, or a top-notch performer in any field, is the way he responds to his bad days. Everyone has good days and bad days, and the good ones are certainly easier to handle. But do we allow the bad ones to throw us off our course? Are we so shaken by our mistakes or troubles that we lose our focus on our goals?
Adult development is a process; it's never an end goal that we reach and hold. Our healing and recovery includes preparing ourselves to respond well to the bad days. We can do that by keeping our eye on the big picture, knowing that however bad things may seem at the moment, they will change. We learn to reach deep into our spiritual center for the courage to stay focused in the midst of our hardest days. We don't have to do it alone. We have the spiritual support of our Higher Power and the companionship of our friends to keep us on the path.
Today I will stay in touch with my spiritual center to find the courage for another day."
Start 323 ~ Current 199 ~
Hey Carol I just wanted to send my ((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers to you! I admire your courage to admit on the boards your problem. I know that at times it can be difficult and intimidating to admit your issue out to the world. I'm praying for you!! I hope that you begin to sort this out in a way that is comfortable for you.
Best wishes!!
Best wishes!!
Carol- I'm sorry you're struggling with alcohol. Like others have said, you're taking the first step, being accountable and admitting to yourself you may be headed for trouble. Good for you! You've probably heard that it's not uncommon for a sort of addiction transfer to happen after WLS. I saw an Oprah show not long ago about exactly that. I hope you get all of the support you need from friends, family and OH. I'm so grateful for this place to share and vent, you did good just in coming here and posting how you're feeling about it. Hugs!
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
Carol...first of all you are not a failure!! Please do not feel that way. You have come a long way and I am proud of you.
I am so sorry I haven't been here for you. Too much happening in my own world lately.
I think you are brave to admit this publicly on this board....that is the first step. Whatever course you take from here on out I will back you 100%.
I am finally back home and hopefully will be for a couple weeks this time. Please feel free to call me when you feel the time is right.We can certainly meet for coffee anytime.
Sending HUGE HUGS your way!! I care ......don't ever forget that!!
Prayers and good thoughts coming your way......connie d
I am so sorry I haven't been here for you. Too much happening in my own world lately.
I think you are brave to admit this publicly on this board....that is the first step. Whatever course you take from here on out I will back you 100%.
I am finally back home and hopefully will be for a couple weeks this time. Please feel free to call me when you feel the time is right.We can certainly meet for coffee anytime.
Sending HUGE HUGS your way!! I care ......don't ever forget that!!
Prayers and good thoughts coming your way......connie d
Carol, CONGRATULATIONS on your one-year re-birth-day! You took one gargantuous step coming here with your honesty! That first step is the toughest, now we're all rooting for you and I'm saying prayers for your positivity, endurance and strength. Oceans of love and hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

((((CAROL))))....Just know that you are on the right path! A therapist will help. Don't beat yourself up~ you have courage to fix this!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! Take one day at a time!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!