Wednesday Coffee Talk and MOA TODAY!
Good morning my friends! Time to rise and shine! How'd you sleep? I slept great. Woke up about 4 and talked to Lucy's mom for a few minutes then fell back asleep for 2 hours. Not like me usally, but I guess I had trip lag. HEHEHE
Our trip for today is to not be hard headed. Funny, I know, but too often we are hard headed. We KNOW what to do in a certain situation, we know what is right, we know how to do something, but we want to do it our way. Our way isn't always the right way. Our way might get us into trouble. Our way doesn't always have to be written in stone. We want to be hard headed and many times that gets us into trouble. Sometimes we need to listen with our hearts instead of our heads. Follow your heart today and let's not be hard headed when we know what we SHOULD do! BOY! I am talking to myself today. WOW! HEHEHE
Several of us are meeting today for coffee at the Mall of America. We would love it if you could join us. I know Lucy posted yesterday and Monday about it so be sure to check back and if yoiu can, JOIN US! We'd love to see you there!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm sitting here enjoying a talk with Wayne, Lucy's Dad and sipping on some Harry and David Pecan Prailine. Sure is good too. I think the talking with Wayne makes it better!
Ya'll have a great heart following Wednesday!
Our trip for today is to not be hard headed. Funny, I know, but too often we are hard headed. We KNOW what to do in a certain situation, we know what is right, we know how to do something, but we want to do it our way. Our way isn't always the right way. Our way might get us into trouble. Our way doesn't always have to be written in stone. We want to be hard headed and many times that gets us into trouble. Sometimes we need to listen with our hearts instead of our heads. Follow your heart today and let's not be hard headed when we know what we SHOULD do! BOY! I am talking to myself today. WOW! HEHEHE
Several of us are meeting today for coffee at the Mall of America. We would love it if you could join us. I know Lucy posted yesterday and Monday about it so be sure to check back and if yoiu can, JOIN US! We'd love to see you there!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm sitting here enjoying a talk with Wayne, Lucy's Dad and sipping on some Harry and David Pecan Prailine. Sure is good too. I think the talking with Wayne makes it better!
Ya'll have a great heart following Wednesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Morning Randall ~
Hope to be able to stop over to the mall after my dentist appt... Praying for everything to go good and not so much residual pain.. Dontcha love getting old and your fillings from 20 years ago start falling apart?! YaY..!!
Have a super fun day... I will give ya a call when I get there..
Hope to be able to stop over to the mall after my dentist appt... Praying for everything to go good and not so much residual pain.. Dontcha love getting old and your fillings from 20 years ago start falling apart?! YaY..!!
Have a super fun day... I will give ya a call when I get there..
I really wish I could say I was coming today, but I won't be making it down. I hope y'all don't talk about me too much!
As for the hard-headed advice? Wow, am I struggling with that one today. If being hard headed is similar to being control freaky, I was "advised" to let go with regard to a certain situation in my life a couple of months ago. Much as I feared that doing so would allow the whole situation to come to a screeching halt, I let go. I let others take over. Nothing happened. The project we were working on fell into a state of non-existance. And NOW I'm being blamed for not keeping it moving. I'm really in a bad state of mind over the whole thing today.
I do believe that we have to let others take over, even when we feel we are most capable of accomplishing something. That's why I let it go. And now, the failure is not only heavy on my heart, but being shoved down my throat as well. I feel like I couldn't win this one no matter HOW I acted. So that's where my head is at. I guess I just need to let it go for what it is.
How vague is that? sorry, I just don't want to burden anyone (or relive it all) by sharing details. I hope you all have a fantastic time at MOA, and ride the Air Bender and Rock Bottom Plunge for me!!!
As for the hard-headed advice? Wow, am I struggling with that one today. If being hard headed is similar to being control freaky, I was "advised" to let go with regard to a certain situation in my life a couple of months ago. Much as I feared that doing so would allow the whole situation to come to a screeching halt, I let go. I let others take over. Nothing happened. The project we were working on fell into a state of non-existance. And NOW I'm being blamed for not keeping it moving. I'm really in a bad state of mind over the whole thing today.
I do believe that we have to let others take over, even when we feel we are most capable of accomplishing something. That's why I let it go. And now, the failure is not only heavy on my heart, but being shoved down my throat as well. I feel like I couldn't win this one no matter HOW I acted. So that's where my head is at. I guess I just need to let it go for what it is.
How vague is that? sorry, I just don't want to burden anyone (or relive it all) by sharing details. I hope you all have a fantastic time at MOA, and ride the Air Bender and Rock Bottom Plunge for me!!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful