I know many people have written about this before but I am frustrated with my family being overbearing. One family memeber asked my husband if I was moving too quickly. I am the baby of the family and the reaction I got from this family member was the typical, isn't this extereme, why are you doing this? I did send him a letter saying asking how I'm doing or if I need help is appreciated and supportive but asking if I'm doing it too fast or in the wrong way is judgemental. And I needed them to keep that in mind. If I had been complaining or whining about pains or even throwing up I could see concern. But the fact that I'm doing well and no illness (except for the pain I wrote about to you folks, which I never told them) I feel like the statements are out of judgement and not concern. I'm probably over reacting here but I just needed to vent.
Because they don't understand, they will always try to come up with things they do understand and make comments. Like my boss has no clue what I do, so she makes statements about what kind of paper clips I use. It's an effort to say anything. Yes, people will make judgement statements, but more often people will make ignorant statements. Either case, it's your body. There is nothing they can say that can change what you have done or where you have set your sails to travel. Comments are rude, but in essence, they are the one with the problem, not you.
You go as fast as your body will let's your wind *** sail boat analogy again)
You go as fast as your body will let's your wind *** sail boat analogy again)