NO... Gorden does not live in Italy, however ....
Okay, yes Gorden is flying in from Italy Friday night. However he does not live in Italy... or at least he hasn't for 11 years. He was born and raised there. And yes, he does have a very sweet Italian accent. For those that didn't see the prayer requests, his mom had a massive heart attack 2 1/2 weeks ago, and since he is her only son, and child, I flew there to look after her health care.
While he has been gone we have continued getting to know each other, and are extremely close.. we have both helped each other thru some rough times. Now he is coming back to the states. (He actually lives in CA) and is coming here.. to meet me....and spend time with me.... He also wants to meet my mom and son. If things go half as well in person as they do online... I am in heaven.. plus he calls me 3 or 4 times a day from Italy, just to hear my voice.... he is so sweet.
And no.. since he is an only child, there are no brothers.. do you want me to inquire about his cousins?
So there is the update.
Good to hear that things are going well!!
Amy, leave it to you to notice that.. ya I seen the typo right after I posted it... HOWEVER, if things go as planned, I will be flying to Italy with him for two weeks in December.......and ya, my brain is really fogged up. And the closer it gets to 5:59 pm on Friday, the worse it is a gonna get!!!!!!!!!