Today in the news....
Here I am again!
Didn't ya just miss me? LOL
Made it through my pre-opt appointment today. Sat in the waiting area for like 15 minutes. The whole time I am thinking,Ok doctor isn't in,Maybe he is talking to my regular doctor,maybe the whole team
is making up its mind if surgery is a safe bet (due to blow to head). The mind races and plays tricks on you!
That is why an idle mind/hands is the devils playground!!
Finally get called, weight taken,temp all that jazz. Into a room I go and yep you guessed it..I waited a few minutes! LOL Today was the waiting game. All I wanted was something to drink and eat,
I have been fasting since midnight people-chop,chop.
Garcia finally comes in with his happy smile
and hand shake ready. We go over my questions first. I had brought in my meds to show him the size and he also see's no problem with me being able to swallow them (they are horse pills!) But ok, he and my regular doctor both say it will be ok-I shall believe them until I prove otherwise LOL
The only thing I will have left to do before surgey is I have to go to the nail shop and have them unpretty my nails- bummer but, I knew it was a thing that would have to be done so had already made the appointment for it last week.
After he told me everything I will need to know about the day of surgery and recovery,I was sent to the lab for my blood draw.
At the lab,Yep sit and wait LOL Once called in The guy getting ready to preform the duty of blood I warned him I don't like needles and the veins say "See ya". I think he thought I was joking.
He felt on both arms for veins to no avail. He had a lady come in who also felt and thought she found a spot after poking and poking with a butterfly IV needle nothing,nothing nothing. She then tryed the other arm..nothing again. They had a 3rd person come in and he felt my arms a bit and finally thought he has a spot. Ready for this? TADA it was a go! I had told them all 3rd strick your out!!
Guess my logic worked. So I will be all full of bruises AGAIN from needles,they will clear up in time for yep, you guessed it surgery!LOL
I then went and picked up all my wonderful opti fast drinks,tre-puree meals and chewable vits! I am all set.
Surgery is still a go for August 12th! Hip Hip horray!!
Until next message
take care!

Made it through my pre-opt appointment today. Sat in the waiting area for like 15 minutes. The whole time I am thinking,Ok doctor isn't in,Maybe he is talking to my regular doctor,maybe the whole team

Finally get called, weight taken,temp all that jazz. Into a room I go and yep you guessed it..I waited a few minutes! LOL Today was the waiting game. All I wanted was something to drink and eat,

Garcia finally comes in with his happy smile

The only thing I will have left to do before surgey is I have to go to the nail shop and have them unpretty my nails- bummer but, I knew it was a thing that would have to be done so had already made the appointment for it last week.
After he told me everything I will need to know about the day of surgery and recovery,I was sent to the lab for my blood draw.
At the lab,Yep sit and wait LOL Once called in The guy getting ready to preform the duty of blood I warned him I don't like needles and the veins say "See ya". I think he thought I was joking.

I then went and picked up all my wonderful opti fast drinks,tre-puree meals and chewable vits! I am all set.
Surgery is still a go for August 12th! Hip Hip horray!!

Until next message

Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
Glad things are rolling along. And the time before 8-12 will fly by!!!!
BUT -- I've had 5 surgeries in 10 years (including WLS last October and a bowel obstruction in June of this year) and I have NEVER had to remove my acrylics or gels on my nails. This may have been true years ago but they do not interfere with today's equipment. And I know that many others have had surgeries and they have not had to remove their nails.
You should double check this before you have them removed. It is totally unnecessary medically.
BUT -- I've had 5 surgeries in 10 years (including WLS last October and a bowel obstruction in June of this year) and I have NEVER had to remove my acrylics or gels on my nails. This may have been true years ago but they do not interfere with today's equipment. And I know that many others have had surgeries and they have not had to remove their nails.
You should double check this before you have them removed. It is totally unnecessary medically.
Yeah, When I had my back surgery and oral sugery I didnt have to do anything with my nails. This surgeon says I do( I even pleaded by holding up each pointer finger and said just these two right)LOL. After all this hoop jumping,waiting in lobbies,poked by several non workable needles LOL and anything else I have went through. Going to the shop and having my nails un-prettied for a few days.. I will take that one for the team and the cause LOL. One must not **** off the man who holds the knief in his hands.
Thanks for your thoughts (which were the same as mine)LOL
Thanks for your thoughts (which were the same as mine)LOL
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
WOW! You're SO close to landing on the loser's bench! Interesting about comments on sarylic nail removal: my surgeon wanted my nails clear, for accuracy of the oxygen monitor which will be clipped on a pointer finger, plus, in surgery our fingertips will be observed for coloration also determining oxygenation. IMHO, follow your surgeon's instructions before and after surgery. Also follow your program, and direct any questions to your WLS clinic as different WLS programs do have different parameters. For example, mine did not require the pre-surgery liquid diet...From the beginning, I've followed the program to a 't' and at exactly two years out, have had absolutely no complications nor problems ,due to following the program, calling in with questions, and strong faith. Best wishes! Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Yep I am all about being the "follower" in this journey. LOL odd place for me as I have always been the leader of the pack.
It is kind of like hair falling out. My nails will be pretty once I am recovered. Maybe one less thing to worry about right after surgery. At that point I don't think I will care who see's me or what I look like right away LOL
Tick,tock,watches the old time clock
It is kind of like hair falling out. My nails will be pretty once I am recovered. Maybe one less thing to worry about right after surgery. At that point I don't think I will care who see's me or what I look like right away LOL
Tick,tock,watches the old time clock
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
Hey Tink!!
I truly admire your attitude. With that, your journey will go smoothly--even over the bumps!.
AND--you are such a great writer! I enjoy reading your missives!
And yup--I've heard the same thing about acrylic nails. And again--your attitude is great!! Before you know it, you'll be going back and getting 'prettied up' .
Good luck, sleep tight, and before you know it, you'll be joining us on the 'losers' bench'!
I truly admire your attitude. With that, your journey will go smoothly--even over the bumps!.
AND--you are such a great writer! I enjoy reading your missives!
And yup--I've heard the same thing about acrylic nails. And again--your attitude is great!! Before you know it, you'll be going back and getting 'prettied up' .
Good luck, sleep tight, and before you know it, you'll be joining us on the 'losers' bench'!
LOL Thanks
I am glad someone enjoys my ramblings about life. I am just as sacastic in real life as I am in type. I don't veiw it as a bad trait if applied correctly.LOL
I am glad someone enjoys my ramblings about life. I am just as sacastic in real life as I am in type. I don't veiw it as a bad trait if applied correctly.LOL
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless