Amazing Feeling

Farrah W
on 7/24/08 6:22 am - Tallahassee, FL

Ever since surgery I have been hungry. Food was constantly on my mind. I couldn't think of anything else. And that sucked, because it's almost been 3 years since WLS.

That's totally changed now, and WOW what a difference!!! My doctor put me on Wellbutrin, as it helps with hunger that Prozac can cause. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN! The 2nd or 3rd day after I started it, I went 4 hours without thinking about food. I even had crackers sitting on my desk at work. Previously, if I saw food, it went into my mouth. It was such a horrible feeling. I've been on the Wellbutrin now for about 3 weeks and after trying to get myself through the side effects (irritability, anxiety, insomnia, jittery) it's like I'm a different person. One day, I ate lunch at 12:30 and by 7pm I realized I hadn't eaten dinner!! OMG it was a very strange, very awesome feeling.

I hope this continues, I finally feel "normal" now. I could never understand how people could possibly forget to eat. It's an amazing step in my journey.

Please spay and neuter your pets!
on 7/24/08 7:00 am - burnsville, MN
hiya Farrah-
glad you are finding something that works.  I take Prozac, but don't think it makes me feel any hungrier than without it....I cannot take Wellbutrin-I walked out on my job years ago because of the side effects (the jittery/shaky/anxiousness was too much for me)
I am seeing a new shrink, and she is going to look into what we can do about my food issues-yay!  in the meantime, I am trying things on my own.  Fitday is talked about all the time, well, I finally went on and started to track what I am eating-I am accountable only to me, no one has to see it, and I get immediate feedback on the nutrition I am putting in my body.  hopefully it will help me keep focused on not eating the crap.
You have done so awesome in spite of the hardships-how great it is that you are finally feeling NORMAL!!
hugs to you-


Farrah W
on 7/24/08 7:32 am - Tallahassee, FL
The daily plate is a better website i feel. It's helped me get a handle on what I eat.

Please spay and neuter your pets!
on 7/24/08 8:25 pm - Hopkins, MN
Farrah, this is HUGE for you!  Nothing worse than following the program and body gets defiant!  So glad to know you're feeling like yourself again!  Take care of 'you!'  Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 7/24/08 7:06 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
YAY, Farrah!
I'm so glad that you've found something that helps you!


on 7/24/08 8:08 am - Twin Cities, MN
Hmm...maybe I should try that!  I've been on prednisone for a year-and-a-half and I SOOOO wanna be off of it!  I need to get back to tracking what I eat, too.  I'd love to be able to go hours without thinking of food! 


on 7/24/08 10:30 am - SSP, MN
Hoooooooooray to finding a balance huh??!!    Being proactive in your health and emotional wellbeing is so essential!!!

Good luck!

Start Weight - 263
       Current Weight
  135 and making it work for ME !

Sandra N.
on 7/24/08 9:29 pm - MN
THAT IS awesome!!!!!!  So happy for you!   Here's to it staying that way

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!!

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


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