Girls' night out Thursday evening!
WHAT: Power of 10
(AMAZING live 70s and 80s classical rock band!)
WHERE: Santorini's Tavern & Grill
9920 Wayzata Blvd., St. Louis Park
WHEN: this Thurs. July 17 9:00 p.m. til one.
On the Fourth, I joined several friends at Round Lake Park in Eden Prairie, where the band Power of 10 played. They are absolutely amazing!!! (70s and 80s classic rock!) I've scheduled my rides, though am beginning to chicken out going alone. So, who wants to get out and have some pre-weekend fun?! I'm off wor****il the 26th, have completely broken all ties with the jerk, now JOAH (jerk-_ff-ArseHole) and want to enjoy the rest of summer! Have absolutely no idea how I got this computer working, though with the new one coming by end of the week, figured it wouldn't hurt to monkey around with this one--sure glad I did! And yes, I do set the timer for an hour at a time to avoid the 'idiotic' edema crappola! Please join me for a fun evening! Hugs all, Patti
(AMAZING live 70s and 80s classical rock band!)
WHERE: Santorini's Tavern & Grill
9920 Wayzata Blvd., St. Louis Park
WHEN: this Thurs. July 17 9:00 p.m. til one.
On the Fourth, I joined several friends at Round Lake Park in Eden Prairie, where the band Power of 10 played. They are absolutely amazing!!! (70s and 80s classic rock!) I've scheduled my rides, though am beginning to chicken out going alone. So, who wants to get out and have some pre-weekend fun?! I'm off wor****il the 26th, have completely broken all ties with the jerk, now JOAH (jerk-_ff-ArseHole) and want to enjoy the rest of summer! Have absolutely no idea how I got this computer working, though with the new one coming by end of the week, figured it wouldn't hurt to monkey around with this one--sure glad I did! And yes, I do set the timer for an hour at a time to avoid the 'idiotic' edema crappola! Please join me for a fun evening! Hugs all, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Hi Connie Sweetie! Am aware many people won't care to venture out on a weeknight, though this band is just awesome! They'll be here again Friday Aug. 8th. Am just not brave enough to go by myself to a bar, regardless of how great the band is. Still can't believe I somehow got this darned computer running all by myself! Feels ab****ely fabulous being online--though really have to keep track of time so swelling stays at bay--two weeks ago size tens were snug, and now the eights are loose. Atta'way for this gal on the "go!" (and do not worry, JOAH is so out of the picture--just gotta keep busy, 'ya know?!!) Sure we'll see each other one of these days hon! So glad you enjoyed your weekend w/ family--my weekend retreat was fantastic, though gotta get the pics loaded here somehow--that program isn't properly running---ugh! Oceans of luv and hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

The "new" Kelly has gone to bars to listen to bands by herself. Not so bad! But I know what you mean about wanting to get out and listen to great music, etc. If it wasn't a Thursday I'd definitely join you. And then on 8/8/08 I have a HUGE work event for the weekend. BUT.... I am an absolute lunatic when it comes to classic rock bands. I have a friend who is in a tribute band and I've actually traveled to see him and show him my support. They are always looking for fans and crowds.
SO........ With all of the Journey, Poison, WhiteSnake talk reminding me of the music I listened to when I was a kid --- I'd LOVE to do this. Just the timing right now is crap. I should plan something and organize something to go out some evening and get totally crazy. But that won't be until Mid August when my work slows down.
So ALWAYS keep me in mind when looking to be a bar fly with a classic rock band.
SO........ With all of the Journey, Poison, WhiteSnake talk reminding me of the music I listened to when I was a kid --- I'd LOVE to do this. Just the timing right now is crap. I should plan something and organize something to go out some evening and get totally crazy. But that won't be until Mid August when my work slows down.
So ALWAYS keep me in mind when looking to be a bar fly with a classic rock band.
Hey "new" Kelly, what a bummer! Sure would be a blast getting out --not to be a bar fly, but just getting out socially to a fun night. How ''bout you post when it''s convenient for you, because I'm sure game--just post when you're able to go and I'm there! Let's make it a reality for August --whadd'ya say?! Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.