OT...Carol N...how is Brody doing now???
Hi Connie!!
Yep Brody was having a problem with being Jaundice and was readmitted on Saturday morning to the hospital. They kept him in a lighted bed and on Sunday night he was released and had to go back to the doctors yesterday. His numbers were down to 13 and had been as high as 19 so they past him on and said just to keep him in the sunlight or under the lights for a while.
He is such a good baby and only cries when he messes his diaper, which is really good that he is doing that often cuz its getting all that jaundice out of him!!
Both of the other 2 were Jaundice also, I guess it is a common thing that happens when they are early and Brody was a few weeks early, his liver was not developed all the way, I guess...
Just kinda scarey when they try to get the numbers down and they are not budging.....
But he will be just fine, and Sorry I didn't post here on the MN board, really haven't had a lot of time......
Carol...thanks for the reply.
I am glad the little guy is doing better. I have been praying and thinking about him all weekend.
Nic had Jaundice too and had to be in the sun alot. Grace never did get it. Kyleigh, Amanda ,and Lucas didn't have it either.But like you said...Nic was the one that was born early too.
I will continue to keep Brody in my prayers. I hope to see him sometime soon.
(((Hugs))) connie d