OT- Expiration Dates
I'm so frustrated with going to the store and when I get home I then realize what I bought has expired!
Over 4th of July I went to the store to get some weigh****chers yogurt for breakfast; when I got home I just happened to look at the package and it had expired on 6/8/2008 almost a MONTH before I bought it.
This weekend my husband went to a different store and bought me a 4-pack of weigh****chers yogurt and I went to have it for breakfast yesterday and that too had expired 2 days BEFORE he bought it.
The last straw was last night I had found this really good SF Black Forest pudding at the store on Sunday and I was looking forward all day to having some for dessert last night. I happened to look on the package and couldn't believe it that had expired on 7/8/2008 that is FIVE days before I bought it.
I wrote an email to the grocery chain that this keeps happening at in hopes they will look at the products on their shelves more closely.
Start 323 ~ Current 199 ~
The same thing has happened to me - almost always with some sort of cheese. Shredded, cottage, block, you name it. I no longer buy cheese without examining it - not just the expiration date, but looking it over good! I've found blocks of cheese that are well within their expiration date, but that had mold on them. Ugh...
When it happened once, I blamed the store. After the second and third times, I decided I had to take some of the blame myself, for NOT paying closer attention!
It IS rather disgusting, tho - you'd think they'd check those things every time they stock a product!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I guess I'm just going to have to be more careful at looking at things in the store. I use to hate grocery shopping but since surgery I've become more involved and paying closer attention to nutrition info so just have to add this to one of things I look for.
I guess the other part that makes me frustrated too is that my husband delivers a popular brand of bread to these same grocery stores. He's in charge of stocking the shelves of his brand and clearing the expired stuff off the shelves. He makes sure nothing is beyond its date if he didn't these same stores would be so angry at him.
Start 323 ~ Current 199 ~
It sounds like someone isn't doing they're jobs. The stockers need to check the dates too. That particular product must not be a good seller if it sits that long. Keep calling and taking it back...with gas prices that can be spendy too.
I always check dates on everything. That is why it takes me so long to shop!
Hugs, connie d