7/15 Today I will...

on 7/14/08 11:59 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Well, I am a bit late in getting this posted, but I have a had kind of a hectic morning. I feel a lot better having decided to cancel the date today and hope that my day will get better as it progresses.

Today I will...get in 100+ ounces of water/CL, try walking with good shoes on, follow meal plan--pay attention to carbs, be strong when cancelling date and ending contact with Musa, pick up new contact, and get to bed before midnight.

Yesterday I...get in 100 ounces of water/CL--yup I did really well with this, stick to meal plan--ended up eating dinner out as I was waiting for my car to be fixed, but made good choices for food keeping carbs down, really pay attention to carbs--yup did good with this one, get nails done (acrylics off real nails done)--yup this is a lot longer process than I realized but I am back to my real nails, go for a walk (20 minutes or so)--walked while I was waiting for my car to get fixed and my ankle is screaming at me, pick up new contact--got there 20 minutes too late, and get to bed by midnight--crawled into bed at midnight.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 7/15/08 12:35 am - MN

You are such a busy woman. I don't know how you get it all done. I can't wait for that burst of energy to start coming to me.

Well, I'm back after my life being too hectic to give this place it's due attention. I had two long weekends at my parents' house...one for the 4th of July and this last weekend to attend my nephew's 4th birthday party. My husband and I gave him a child-size professional drum set which he absolutely adores. He says that he is a rock star now! Of course, he says that rock stars also need guitars...fortunately his uncle on the other side of the family said he'd take care of that request. I'll try to post pictures of him later with my DH help. I have an adorable one of him holding his drum sticks and showing us his tattoo (temporary, of course)

Late last week was my 1 month surgiverasy and I've still been struggling on and off with post-surgery depression. My weight is still creeping down VERY slowly which is unexpected after I lost so fast during the liquid diet and the first week post-op. People are recognizing the weight loss though and I often feel so much better. I'm standing more and moving around a lot more and other people are noticing that. I'm still trying to find where I put my pre-op measurements, but I took some tentative measurements last week and I believe that I have lost quite a few inches in some key areas. Hopefully I will have more news to report on that soon.

So, here goes:

Today I will...
1. Drink 2 liters of H2O.
2. Take Actigall as prescribed.
3. Locate pre-surgery measurements. Take new measurements to compare.
4. Explore Lifetime Fitness again (YMCA just isn't catching my fancy although it is MUCH closer to home).
5. Weigh myself before I start eating or drinking (didn't do this yesterday and it set me off on a fit of tears because it seemed like I had gained weight from the end of last week).
6. Get in at least 8-9 hours of work today even though I am working from home.
7. Explore vacation options for next year (DH and I would like to go with my parents on an Alaskan cruisetour, but we've already done an Alaskan cruise so if my parents say they don't want to go to Alaska we have to decide if we want to go to Alaska again or if we want to go someplace else. I was thinking Northern European cruise, but DH wants to stay in the US since the dollar is so weak. The only other US place I would want to revisit is Hawaii, but I don't want to go until I KNOW that I am prepared to hike on lava flows with all of the sulfer smell).

Have a great day everyone and I'm happy to be back!
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground" - T. Roosevelt
on 7/15/08 1:30 am - Minneapolis, MN
Jen~Welcome Back! I was wondering where you had been lately. It sounds like you had a good time and your nephew reminds me of my oldest nephew...although I have not been brave enough to give him a drum set, right now he is focusing on piano.

Yes the weightloss does slow down post-op as compared to when you were on the liquid diet, because it goes into starvation mode, but rest assured it will pick back up again once your body realizes that it won't be getting the quantity of food it used to and then it will burn your fat and you will melt away! I am glad to hear that you and others around you are noticing your weightloss, it definitely helps keep you motivated to stay on track.

Wow all of your vacation ideas sound wonderful. I will be happy just to take a weekend up along the North Shore! Although last year my little sis promised me that she would take me someplace warm once I reach my goal weight and I am starting to think that Hawaii might be where I want to go. We will have to wait and see.

Have a great day and glad to see you back!


"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Lori A.
on 7/15/08 1:43 am - Duluth, MN

Good morning!

Well I woke up to only the dogs this morning.  Roger packed much of his stuff last night and left to go to the other house.  It was a bad night though.  One of the foster dogs cried all night... one of the cats is upset and decided I'm the reason so peed on my pillow which I didn't see until 130 when I went to bed.  So I was doing laundry at 2am...  I finally stripped the bed and threw a towel down and collapsed.  Thank GOD for the waterproof mattress cover!

I crawled out of bed this morning and took my 2 hours to clean and mop things up.  It's going to take me a while to get things straightened up but once I do it won't be too bad I don't think.  It's going to be a slow but sure process getting the house back in shape... but I can hardly wait!!!  It will be nice to have a place where I'm not embarrassed to have people over!

Time to get going - Brie's having issues with her house too so I said we could trade housework days so I'm off to help her get her place straightened out.  Guess the boyfriend isn't helping and got on her case because she didn't get right up this morning when the baby cried... instead he laid there and listened to him...  *sigh*

Today I WILL!

- drink my liquids - at least 4 bottles of CL

- eat right

- take my vitamins

- exercise

- work on a schedule for taking care of the animals and house so I don't have to be dependant.


Yesterday I: 

- drink liquids

    * 20oz coffee - 10oz coffee

    * 24oz protein shake (approx 40gr)

    * 18oz CL - 18oz CL - 18oz CL - 18oz CL

- eat right and track my intake 

     * toppings from 3 small pieces pizza - 1/2C salad - 1/4C spaghetti - 1/2C wild rice soup

   * 2T cream cheese with celery sticks; 1oz mixed nuts; 12saltines with butter; protein bar

- vitamins
    AM: check
    PM: check

- exercise

I walked me ass off lol  I need to start getting on the bowflex though and work on my arms. 

week of July 7th = 80326 steps

    Mon - 19884
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -

Lori  - bringing home *MY* form of sexy one day at a time!

Highest 315 ~ Pre-Surgery 297 ~ Current 159 ~ Goal 149
on 7/15/08 3:35 am - MN

WOW! You are putting on the steps! You go girl!
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground" - T. Roosevelt
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