OT: Gut Feeling....

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 10:42 pm - Clear Lake, MN


Yes, I would cancel.......I would let him know though that it comes down to a religious decision. Otherwise he may keep calling you.........

E-harmony is a great service. My hubby's cousin went through their and she is now married to the man she got set up with.  It's amazing how detailed they are......

Good luck with Musa, I hope he takes it okay and doesn't keep calling you.



on 7/14/08 11:15 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Kelly~I am really hoping he takes it well as well. I am planning on telling him that it just won't work out and to not contact me, because I am afraid that if I give him a reason that he is the type of person who would try to convince me that it is not that big a deal and I don't want to deal with that. Luckily I am pretty good at ignoring people I don't want to to....the joy of having caller id on the cell phone.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 7/14/08 11:53 pm - MN

I'm glad that you decided to go with your gut on this one. It rarely leads you in the wrong direction. Overall though, it sounds like you learned something about yourself in the process. Now you know how important it is to have a partner that shares your faith and you'll be able to communicate that to others even better in the future.

I think that it's fantastic that you are being so focused in your search for Mr. Right. So many people just sit at home alone wondering why they don't have anybody and they aren't even making an effort. It may take you some time but you'll have a nice time, meet some interesting people, and probably learn a lot about yourself in the process.

I've been with my DH for many years now so I'm not up on the available dating sites, but aren't there some Christian dating sites as well? Have you tried them yet?
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground" - T. Roosevelt
on 7/15/08 12:15 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thanks! Yes there are some Christian sites and I have tried them, but have not had any luck on them. The problem I have found is that they have very few men from the Midwest on there they are mostly from the south and I am not willing to move for someone as my family is very important to me. I have decided to be a lot more picky about who I correspnd with and will only consider men who have their religion listed as Christian.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Jennifer G.
on 7/15/08 12:31 am - Minnetonka, MN

Cancel the guy sound too needy. Follow your gut.



on 7/15/08 1:03 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thanks. I am going to text him in the next hour or so. I figured I wouldn't wake him up with the text message.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Darla S.
on 7/15/08 12:51 am - Maple Grove, MN

I had a similar experience back when I was starting college, with a foreign guy.  I won't bother you with details, but I was trying too hard to be nice - for every polite inch I gave the guy, he'd stuff his big 'ol foot in there and try to take a mile.  He showed up at my dorm room one day, uninvited, and I had to get downright UGLY with him, blunt, cruel.  And I threatened him with legal action if he ever dared to contact me again.  Fortunately, he didn't.  I think some of them are looking for a vulnerable woman, maybe to gain citizenship if they don't have it?  That's the skeptic in me talking.

Good that you're listening to your gut - it won't steer you wrong.

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

on 7/15/08 1:02 am - Minneapolis, MN
Darla~Thank you for sharing that story I guess there is quiet the difference in culture when it comes to dating and male/female relationships. He does not have citizenship yet and so you may have a good point. At any rate I am really glad I have the support here to help me in times like this when I need to know if I am doing the right thing.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 7/15/08 5:54 am - Hopkins, MN
Hey Nicole, just reading the other replies even helps me as I find myself expecting the very recent ex to call (old habits die hard).  One thing that really helps is to delete his name from the cell directory, and replace the name with 'DO NOT ANSWER'...even the sight of his name on the caller ID tugs at the emotions.  Also did that for the way too-needy bus driver a couple months ago.  Shee****hink we need a regularly planned  all-gals' night out so that we can brush up on our skills, whaddyathink?!  Stay on your feet, stay strong, and stay true to 'you'!  Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 7/15/08 9:15 am - Minneapolis, MN
Patti~Thanks for the suggestion on changing the name in the cell directory I just did it.  I think he also tried to call me from another number this afternoon because about 15 minutes after I was done with work he called from his phone and I didn't answer then 5-10 minutes later a 612 area code number that I do not recognize calls so of course I did not answer it I figured if it was a friend or family member or co-worker they would leave a message, no message was left after either call.  I sure hope he gets the picture.  I have moved on and am going to be way more thorough when loking at profiles.

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

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