OH Mpls Event - who's coming?
I really don't know if I'll be going to this or not... part of me would like to, but that's also the day of our Hanover Harvest Festival. 4th annual, I do believe, and it's pretty fun! I love Hanover, and really enjoy supporting these community deals... So much as I'd LIKE to attend the OH event, I'm sincerely undecided at this point.
Kinda like taking a survey and selecting "No Opinion", eh?

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I'll have to read up on the agenda and all, but I'm really torn on this right now. You KNOW I'm always up for a good time - it's just gonna be a toss up as to which will be a better time! Our whole family has enjoyed the Harvest Festival together - the parade, the market, the games, the activities, the dance.... it's really fun! And since Rich doesn't often participate in things with me & the kids, I hate to pass up the opportunity, or give him any reason to resent my OH activities, ya know?
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful