Acceptance... just my thoughts on the subject (LONG)
Many of us have been fat the majority of our lives, I know I have....We have never before walked in the world of for lack of a better word... thin person. We have always been judged because of our size, and once people actually seen past that, and found out what wonderful people we were..... we had friends. Part of that I believe is some of those "friends" didn't take us seriously or as a threat.
Then we have weight loss surgrey... and things changed.
We have now entered a world that is totaly new to us.... we become either thin and gorgeous (Sandi, Linda A., Kelly, Barb, Michelle) Or we get to a point where we are at least healthy and happy..(Me) and tho we are not super model candidates... (Sandi) We look good, and feel good... and people in genrel views changed about us.
We entered their world... with all of it's good and not so good. Listen to a couple of women talking sometime when you can eves drop discreetly... many times they are talking about this woman or that woman... what their faults are, and cutting them down, or judging them. Listen to the women at the office... same thing... I am sure many of you know exactly what I am talking about.
We as former fat women, take these cuts personally when they are directed at us... Often, we don't understand why... as we are so filled with joy and pride for our accompolishments. But the truth is... they now see us as one of them... competition.. on more then one level......socially, proffesionally, and personally. I don't think, when we hear these comments, it is anything different then many women hear all the time.
But we are sooo very fortunate..... we have this wonderful board, and our coffee groups... where we are all accepted, loved, and cared about for who we are, and what we have accomplished. We get the support and encouragement we all need from time to time. Makes me almost feel bad for those other women, they will never know the comradere, and closeness that we have found with each other....Like a very good OH friend said to me one day....(Kelly) I am glad I was fat, because if I hadn't been, and hadn't had this surgrey.. I would never have met so many wonderful friends.. and I totally agree with her...
I know myself, I could never have accomplished what I have with out all of you here.... I have actually accomplished more in the last 3 months, since becoming very active here... then I have the rest of my journey put together... and I personally owe it to this board..
Okay I have rambled enough....
Thanks for listening...
Of course I remembered... I have taken heart in many of our talks.
You, like many of us... don't really realize what you have accompolished..... you have done great, and you do look gorgeous and fabulous.....You are very beautiful.....and the fact you are so humble about it... makes it even more so.
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
By the way... I ment what I said... you are absolutely gorgeous... when I met you at the shower for Randy and Lucy... I was in awe.... you have a magnatism.. you radiate with it.
I could not have put it better... its true. We have the base... being fat .... being the one "they" talked about and the non-threat. Now we are now amongst the "norm" if there is a normal... but an acceptable size to others. They dont view us as gross... or somthing catchy... I have heard more comments about fat men and women now being part of this "club" I never was. Before I felt the need to stick up for all overweight people.. it got tireing. Now I ignore the comments about others and try to say somthing nice or walk away from those saying it. But I felt discrimination from the general public when I was heavy.... I feel it now being thin from some that would surprise you. I get the dirty looks somtimes from heavy women and think " Hey sister... I am still you in my heart" Not sure if this makes any sense... a fellow Oh'er asked me recently why I stay on the MN board being two years out this July 24th. My answer was simply to help others get to where I am with as much insight as I can share. I truly want to help... but I have to understand my "help" isnt helpful somtimes and others have taken it wrong. I approached this with a hard ass attitude for myself.. no more game playing bottom line rules. I understand not everyone is that same way and thats when I learned to only give advice when asked. Bottom line is MN board has been my extended family for three years and although I feel some board memebers dislike for me ..... I truly feel sorry for them...... the love I get back from most outweighs any negative feelings. I truly wish the best for everyone and want only one thing... for you all to be free from your excess weight. Sincerely with hugs
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !