Update on my week of FUN {LONG}
Monday: Competed for a job amongst about 50 people for the Las Vegas PD. Job would entail going to crime scenes and securing digital evidence, then enhance and/or build a case with the digital evidence. Cool job in a hot place. I scored in the top 10 and was invited back for phase 2.
Tuesday: Oral interview with a three panel board. I have no doubt whatsover that I scored anywhere but the top. That doesn't mean I was the top, but if someone beat me, they are by far the better candidate. They told me I would get an email on Friday with their decision. However, at this point I'm not exactly sure I want to go the next step, which would be the background check from hell. I have no skeletons, but they seriously go back all the way to the doctor that assisted in your birth, interview the kid you beat up on the playground in kindergarten, find out who your friends friends are who may have met you at the beach....do I really want to put my friends, family, and coworkers through this? Then if I pass this, they polygraph me at my expense (BTW, Minnesota is the only state that considers polygraphs illegal for employment). There are a billion other factors in this process. Maybe I can be happy with knowing I'm the most qualified and leave it at that, then stick around here. On the other hand....
Wednesday: Got in VERY late on Tuesday night so I was barely awake to go to work...it was a large coffee with shot of espresso type of day, which was also VERY busy because I was gone and this is the busy time again. Then I worked a concert after work and have to say the weather was PERFECT.
Thursday (Today): I took the day off from work as a sick day as I went in for my endoscopy and full upper GI. I had Dr. Leslie. I learned ALOT about the difference in philosophy between the U and HCMC regarding BANDS. As you know, HCMC stopped filling me after about my second filling. The capactiy of my band is 10cc. HCMC would only put in 7. According to Dr. Leslie, I can go up to 10. He added 1 CC today and will add another on Monday. HCMC requires a month between adjustments. Because they analyzed my pouch/band/esopogus/etc. they were able to determine that everything is exactly how it should be including the size of the pouch. Dr. Leslie said that U/Fairview USED to rely on floroscope up until about a year ago but found it to be more accurate to go by measuring (or some other reasons which make sense to me now).
Having gone through all this, I'm still not convinced that the symptoms that brought me there can be resolved through extra fills, but at least I have some hope and a game plan.
I in no way wish to disparage the fine team at HCMC. They have followed their protocals and have helped me tremendously. I think all the teams around the metro are wonderful. It's just with my situation (being VERY unique) I think I will be better served by working with a different team for now. I don't fit the HCMC protocal mold for my situation any longer. It's not that they don't want to help me. I still love them.
Dr. Buchwald and Dr. Leslie both told me that they have never seen my specific situation. Could it be because other in my situation give up? Or perhaps it's possible that I really am that unique. When I was getting my Upper GI done, there must have been about 12 people (half of them observing (perhaps there were students...I did have to sign a statement that said I didn't mind if students oberseved) but I know some of them were genuinly interested in my situation. So I'm now famous and I owe it to AMY my Diamond.
Tomorrow I find out what they thought of me in Vegas and go back to work. I'm pretty exhausted.
Taking it easy...sipping on H20.....

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 5:11 am - MN
on 7/10/08 5:11 am - MN
Definitely a full week for you Paul - but how exciting - possibly a new job? possibly a fix to the pouch problems? Good reap you many benefits going forward. I have to say that if you got that job I would be totally jealous..well, I already am jealous of your current job. I love crime scene stuff - I should have gone into forensics - it's the only science class I ever aced - I should have know that I would have loved it.
Good luck figuring everything out. I pray that you feel peace one way or another about all that you're doing.
Take care,
Whatever you decide to do just know your a class act guy.......I've only seen you a few times but your a nice guy with a good heart.
I hope your situation with the band gets resolved and you won't be Unique anymore.......Good luck.
Keep us posted to what they e-mail you......Good luck, but I doubt you need it.
Wow.... I'M exhausted just reading about your week SO FAR!!
As for whether or not to subject your friends and family to the investigation, should you be the man they want for the job? I think you have to decide if YOU want the job. If you do, then by all means - expose your skeletons! I would think such a job in LV would never leave you bored!
As for you being UNIQUE? We all knew that a long time ago. So the U now wants to not only HELP you, but LEARN from you? That's really cool, Paul. And I really do hope that by tweaking your fills, they'll be able to jump start your losing again!
If you need something to do this weekend, I happen to know of a certain campfire (Baker Park, G22) that would WELCOME your hairy face to the mix!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Sounds like a challenging interview process! Way to get through it!!