Something to think about

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 1:34 pm - Blaine, MN
So, after my "Upset" post situation yesterday concerning my "friends"/coworkers, I have really been thinking about things. Society in general does not accept fat people.  It's just an unfortunate fact.  But, those fat people have friends/family who still accept them and love them despite society.  Then, you lose the weight.  Bingo, all the sudden society accepts you.  People in society don't look as much at you with those first judgements that you are "dirty", "lazy", etc.  They begin to be more friendly to you, open doors for you and basically show their acceptance of you.  Well, that's all fine and dandy but.... ... then some of your "friends" start to not accept you.  They say you have changed, imply you are snooty or arrogant, and start casting judgements on  you.  So basically, you are darned if you do and darned if you don't.  Isn't that crazy???  Thankfully, most of my friends do still accept me and am happy for me, but how sad that there are those one or two who have to be door knobs. Just had to share my "epiphany" today. (((Hugs))) Michelle
Yelena K.
on 7/10/08 2:08 pm - Plymouth, MN
I agree with  you Michelle. I had a breakdown a few days ago.... With this surgery... I actually feel 100 percent hope that I will get to a healthy weight, and that scares the heck out of me. I am super sensitive to direct insults and I think to was bad when I was much worse will it be when  I am thin? Will I have to compete with the real *****es? It's one thing when they just ignore you when you're fat but if they are mean to me when I am a healthy weight....dear God. Anyway, I was all flustered but I will take it as it comes... Thanks for the post though... because I know where you are coming from.

2019: 11 years out and maintaining a loss of 150lbs.

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(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 12:09 am - Blaine, MN
And with that attitude, you WILL get to a healthy weight Elena.  You have had such a great attitude with this process and you have rocked your tool already.  I was looking at your before and after pics on your blog the other day and you can really tell the difference already!  WTG and fluck the phoo phooers!  That's my new attitude (well, at least I'm trying, lol)... (((Hugs))) Michelle
Diamond Girl
on 7/10/08 7:00 pm - Ham Lake, MN
Just remember that if you have no regrets when you lay your head down each night, then you are living your best life Michelle. Be proud of who you are and who you've become! Don't let "them" determine who you are!
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 12:10 am - Blaine, MN
Thanks Amy!  I have never had a single regret about this surgery and I am feeling the best I've felt in my adult life.  I ain't letting anyone rain on this parade! (((Hugs))) Michelle
Sandra N.
on 7/10/08 9:27 pm - MN
Hey Hon!!  Unfortunetly, that's true!  WHen you have WLS sure find out who are your "true" friends! HUGS!

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!!

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 12:11 am - Blaine, MN
I'm learning that some people suck!  lol (((Hugs and love back)))) Michelle
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 10:44 pm - Clear Lake, MN
Michelle, Yep, it's true......Your damned if ya do and if ya don't......... Just remember you did this WLS for your health, and anyone that says mean things to you is just jealous and someone you don't need as a friend. True friends are their for you whether your fat or thin.....You look fabulous and have done an amazing job with your tool..... Alot of things in Society are screwed up.........We just have to make our lives the best we can . Kelly
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 12:14 am - Blaine, MN
Thanks Kelly! I am thankful for the supportive friends I do have and the wonderful and encouraging husband who has been happy for me every step of the way.  Oh, and all you all on here - I'd have been lost without you all's support!!!!  I have met so many great friends as a result of this journey....and you all can relate with things I go through.  That's been a real blessing! (((Hugs))) Michelle
Connie D.
on 7/11/08 12:38 am hit the nail on the head.... This is exactly the way it is!! I have been fortunate. My friends have remained my friends. They love me anyway I am and I thank God for them everyday! Other people just act so concerned ..."honey you need to stop losing" or  "aren't you where you want to be yet"..... they are the ones that don't really count anyway.They are the jealous ones. The people that really get to me are the ones that never had anything to do with me when I was heavy and NOW want to be my friends. I say "Sorry, you didn't think I was good enough then...I am the same I am not good enough now!!"(especially men) I think people think we are "snooty" because we have more confidence and are  more outgoing. We feel good and have so much more energy.

Enough of my rambling....have a great day sweetie!!

((((HUGS)))) connie d

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