Passed right by - also good thoughts and prayers
(((Jenn))) You really have done amazingly well using your tool and you look wonderful! 4 yrs...I remember when you first started coming to group at Abbott before your sx....crazy how time flies.
I'm hoping your last few weeks at the house are pleasant. I have a good feeling that you will get this new spot, you will be sooo relieved to have your "own" space again.
On the job front, did you ever contact the head hunter I put you on to? I am still keeping my eyes open for ya. My fingers are crossed and my thoughts/prayers are with you that you find a position that you love and will greatly excel in.
We should get together soon, will you be at coffee Saturday in MG?
Love and Hugs, Cathy
I'm hoping your last few weeks at the house are pleasant. I have a good feeling that you will get this new spot, you will be sooo relieved to have your "own" space again.
On the job front, did you ever contact the head hunter I put you on to? I am still keeping my eyes open for ya. My fingers are crossed and my thoughts/prayers are with you that you find a position that you love and will greatly excel in.
We should get together soon, will you be at coffee Saturday in MG?
Love and Hugs, Cathy
Hey Girlfriend!
Happy surgiversary!
You really are doing stupendously, especially when you think of all the life stressors that could have negatively impacted your success. You are a strong, confident and courageous woman whom I am blessed to call my friend! You are amazing and have really worked hard to gain health and happiness. You should be really proud of your accomplishments.
Ya know, we've fallen back into the pattern where we're not staying as connected as we should. Let's change that, K?
Oh...Happy Birthday to you
and Jordan
We should get together for a birthday celebration, soon. For some reason I thought you were in MI over the 4th. I have legal work to do the next 2-3 weeks, so maybe this weekend???
Consider yourself and the kids in my prayers (well, you know you always are) and now I'll be more specific about the prayers! Things will work out -I have to believe this! You know I'm always here for you, Jordan and Izzy!
Love ya,

Matata 2
Pre-op 320/Current 152/Goal 132