Has anyone felt pressure just below the center of the rib cage?
I pulled this off the web - Colon Massage: "Choose a position, such as laying on a flat surface. You may want to use some sort of massage oil to lubricate the tummy. Once lubricated, place your fingers on the right side of the abdomen, where the appendix is located. Using a small, round circle motion, or small upward sweeping motion, work your fingers up toward the rib cage. Once you reach the rib cage work your way across, staying just below the ribs, then down on the left side.
The massage should only last a few minutes. Be aware of any pain in the abnormal area. If you find you have tenderness in a particular area, you may want to see your doctor. You also need to make sure that you massage in a clock-wise position otherwise you’ll be pushing the fecal matter in the wrong direction
This massage will help with your bowel movement and to remove toxic build up. Remember that this massage can be done often. Also, increase the pressure being applied. You will first want to use gentle pressure being aware of pain or discomfort. Now that you know how to do a colon massage, you will be able to use this technique everyday to help regulate your bowel movements. Hopefully by doing this and also eating more dietry fibre, you’ll be able to avoid using any harsh laxatives."